Chapter 3

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"She's the woman Arizona slept with last night" She hastily answered Christina's question, rolling her eyes. Her skin looks very pale and her eyes are obviously in distress. Her raven hair was in a messy pony tail, veins are popping out in her temple. After dropping the bomb, she immediately walked out, not once looking back to see the shocked priceless reactions of the group of doctor in Meredith's room. Leaving them with eyes popping out and mouth wide open in surprise, darting their gaze to the Ped's surgeon.

Callie was on the stairs on her way to the ER. She stopped as she felt lightheaded. She massaged her temples to relieve some of the pain but she felt her stomach growled. The last meal she had was yesterday's lunch at the cafeteria with the blonde. She already grabbed a coffee earlier to help her brain function and to keep herself awake. She managed to make her way to grabbed another cup of coffee in the attending's lounge before she goes to marathon in the ER.

Callie was just informing her patient's parents about the minor surgery and that it went well. She forced a smile when the parents hugged her and luckily she got paged to Meredith's room. She scrunched up her eyebrows as she starts to walk faster. She finally dropped her tensed shoulder when she saw Meredith in the window, holding her baby.

She rested her body in the door frame for a while as smile landed her face, remembering the first time she held Sofia, the genuine joy her heart felt. She'd do anything to experience that moment again. "How are you doing?" Meredith asked with husky voice, tapping the space in her bed, signaling Callie to come over. "I should be the one asking you that" she responded. "You just gave birth to this cute lil' mcbailey. Isn't that right?" Callie added with her baby voice, tickling the baby's chin and smiling goofily. "Yeaah, but you know what I mean." Meredith sighed.

They are not close like the friendship Meredith have with Christina, or Callie with Mark. But they do have a bond and they somehow developed a low-key friendship that they are comfortable hearing each other. "Have you eaten?" Meredith asked again, starting to make small talks with the Latina. "Yeah, I-Well what time is it?" looking at her phone before continue to answer the blonde in front of her. "I will eat later at lunch" then she continue to play with the baby, avoiding Meredith's eyes. "Do you it?" Meredith slowly opened the topic, raising her eyebrows as she reads Callie's face. She heard the woman clicked her tongue before sighed as she sit in the sofa near Meredith's bed.

Callie bluntly started, "Well while you're giving birth and me saving people's life from the bus that tipped over and exploded, treating wounds while it's raining. Apparently my wife was busy screwing Dr. Bowel...Dr. Boggle- Boswell" Callie raised her eyebrows as she rambled between the names she gave the woman and Meredith just rolled here eyes while snorting. "I found Arizona's wedding ring pinned to that Bogswell woman" she continues, not caring what name she'll call her. "She gave excuses but she doesn't think I'm that fucking dumb, does she?" then both women released a chuckle. Callie continued to talk to Meredith about the encounter she had with the doctor at the elevator yesterday morning. Slight laughs erupts and Callie felt a little relief, finally having someone to talk to.

Callie played with her food, tossing the salad with her fork. She can feel her hunger, she is getting dizzy and she tried to force herself to eat, shoving the food down her throat but it just come running back to her mouth. She just stared at her food while sipping her juice, her doe-eyes gloomed, getting really confused as to what's happening to herself. All her mouth wants is the taste of alcohol, how it burns her throat but instantly easing her feelings. All Callie wants to do right at the moment was to drown in alcohol, enough to forget everything. She is tapping the table with her fingers as she figure out who can she ask later to Joe's. Meredith can't drink, she just had a baby. Teddy is already with Arizona, she doesn't want to trap Teddy between her and her wife. How about Christina? she's okay, but she don't do feelings and will probably get bored and drunk before Callie can vent out. Bailey don't do personal problems and Dr. Webber might be full of wisdom that will help enlighten her but it's awkward for her to ask the older man to drink. What about Amelia or Maggie? she thought to herself. Nahh- their to emotional and they talk A LOT. Callie sighed as she slouched her back in the chair, "I miss you, Mark" she mumbled to herself as tears glossed her eyes and slightly pouted her lips. A blonde hair caught her attention as the woman enter the cafeteria. Both eyes connected and Callie's heart instantly ached. They tried to hide what they feel but their eyes speaks to each other. Blue eyes seeks forgiveness and brown eyes screams in agony. The stare lasted five seconds but it sure do feels like longer than than, Callie broke the connection as she makes her way out of the cafeteria.

Callie stretched her muscles after doing a 4 hours surgery, her skin is dry and dark under-eye circles are visible. She texted Arizona if she could take Sofia home from day care and luckily the blonde's shift was almost over. All she wants to do right now is to drink so she quickly changed out of her navy scrubs and go buy bottles of alcohol.

The Latina sat on the metal bench of the softball field. She took a bite of her burger or else she'll throw up her insides if she drinks with an empty stomach. She's alone in this big field and memories came flooding back to her head. She closes her eyes, trying to remember how she hugged her wife from behind, arms wrapped tightly around the blonde's waist as Callie rest her chin on her wife's shoulder, inhaling her sweet scent.

How much anger can my little hard hold? she thought as she swung the bottle and chugged the vodka like it was water. Her face scrunched, feeling the burn down to her stomach and releasing a loud "ahhhh!" How come everyone I've ever loved has cheated on me? Was is it me? Am I the problem?? Callie sighs as thoughts race through her mind. What did I do to get betrayed while my heart was pure? Am I really that easy to forget when they were tempted? Not long enough, Callie was on her second bottle of vodka, alternating between drinking and eating her fries.

She starts tearing up because she knows that she is strong person but she was also exhausted as certain scenario came through her mind.

Callie was leaning on the wall as she saw the exchanged between her father and her girlfriend. A smile was plastered on her face after hearing how Arizona confronted the old man. "I'm a good man in the storm." Arizona said with full confidence, "I love your daughter and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to, she doesn't need it. She's strong, and caring, and honorable. And she's who you raised her to be" almost choking up with her own tears as the blonde gets emotional. Callie's smile grew even more as the girl she love glanced her way, flashing her with her dimpled cheeks that popped even more.

She snorted sharply, "PROTECT THE THINGS I LOVE MY ASS!!!" Callie yelled as she throws the empty bottle as hard and far as she can. She felt so much pain, that she started to feel nothing. Callie stands, trying her best not to fall on her face. She hastily open the third bottle of vodka and swung it to her lips, "YOU HAVE NO IDEAS HOW FUCKING WORTHLESS YOU MADE ME FEEL!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs on the open field. She managed to keep her balance but her vision are very shaky, she grabbed the rest of the alcohol that was in the bag while holding the opened vodka on her right hand. She walked to the taxi she called earlier, she stopped as she holds the door of the car, leaning her weight on it. "Whoa- I think" she slurred on her words then starts chuckling, "I thinkkk the ground is shaaaaking, it's earthquaking- ohmygoddd! quick hide!" Callie exclaimed, jumping inside the car.

Callie crawled on the corridor between her apartment, where her wife and Sofia are staying, and her dead best friend's apartment as soon as she reached the floor of their apartment. She crawled on her knees to Mark's flat door, resting her head against the blue door as her eyes began to shut. She was unable to enter the place any longer. She was so drunk that she passed out on the cold floor outside the apartment.

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