Enter Izuku Midoriya

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A boy and his mother walk out of the airport and enter a taxi. They are driven to an apartment complex and unpack their items.

Mother: Izuku are you sure you want to go out for a walk.

Izuku: Positive

The boy known as Izuku leaves the apartment and walks around. When he turns a corner, he doesn't pay attention and bumps into someone.

???: Sorry. Wait have I seen you before. (Snaps fingers) Ah you're that boy from the sports festival Izuku Midoriya right. 

Izuku: Y-yeah, that's me.

The boy shakes Izuku's hand as Izuku rubs his neck nervously.

???: Y/N L/N. Sorry about bumping into you.

Izuku: No, it's my fault I should have been looking where I was... wait Y/N L/N. As in the guy that takes the pictures of Spider-Man.

Y/N: Yeah, that's me. Mind if I show you around New York?

Izuku: Not at all.

You walk and show him some landmarks of the city like Central Park, ESU, etc. 

Y/N: So, what brings you all the way from Japan

Izuku: My mom and I decided to take a vacation here for a few days. What about you.

Y/N: I live with my Aunt May. 

Izuku: What about your parents?

You pause nervously and Izuku takes the hint.

Izuku: I'm sorry if I brought up a touchy subject.

Y/N: No, it's alright you didn't know. My parents died in a plane crash when I was 5 and they left me in the custody of my Aunt May and Uncle Ben. 

Izuku: Oh well I'm sorry.

Y/N: It's alright they never really spent much time with me anyways. So what's your quirk?

Izuku: It's uhh Super Strength.

Y/N; Why do I have the feeling that he's lying about his quirk. 

Izuku: What about you?

Y/N: I'm actually quirkless. Me and both of my best friends are. Unfortunately, as a result we're bullied every day.

Izuku: I know the feeling. I was actually born quirkless and was constantly bullied because I wanted to be a hero. Turned out I was just a late bloomer.

You stop and look up at the sky. 

Y/N: To be honest I never wanted to be a hero. 

Izuku: You didn't

Y/N: That's right I want to become a scientist and help people.

Izuku; Wow, he's quirkless like me and life has given him a bad hand, yet he doesn't let it impede him. 

Y/N: Well, I guess it makes sense that you're a late bloomer seeing as you break your bones when you use your quirk. What you want to do is use it in precents. Start at one and keep raising it until your body starts to hurt. The you'll know your limit.

Izuku: Wow thanks for the tip 

Y/N: Anytime

A bank window is then broken by a powerful blast of water. A man in a black shirt then walks out holding a bag of cash.

Y/N: Sorry Izuku I gotta go. If you want to talk later meet me at this address. 

You airdrop him the location and then run away. You make your way into an alley and suit up. You then web-zip onto a roof and then swing kick the man. However, your costume gets wet and you fall right through him. 

Y/N L/N Vigilante DaysWhere stories live. Discover now