MHA The Movie: Two Heroes Pt 2

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A/N: This chapter is meant to be called: The will of The Symbol of Peace and The Symbol of Hope. But no Wattpad has an 80-character limit for the chapter titles. 

Todoroki tries to use his phone, and nothing happens while Jiro tries to use the elevators.

Todoroki: Cell service is completely blocked. 

Jiro: Elevators aren't working either.

Mineta: What the heck is going on here.

Y/N; That's what we'd like to know.

Venom; Villain attack?

Y/N; Could be

Melissa: It's strange that the system would go on high alert. That's not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered. 

Deku: Iida. Let's go to that party. 

Iida: For what reason.

Y/N: Because that's where we'll get our answers. 

Deku: And All Might's there too.

Uraraka: Wait All Might's in there? 

Mineta: Oh, thank goodness we don't have anything to worry about then. 

Y/N; I wouldn't be so sure.

Venom; Isn't he the strongest pro hero in the world?

Y/N; Yes, but even All Might has his limits.

Venom; True 

Y/N; We gotta find a secluded space to change into Spidey.

Venom; Yeah, but how are we going to break away from these guys? 

Y/N; I don't know buddy. I don't know.

Deku: Melissa do you know of any way we can get down there without the elevator? 

Melissa: Yeah sure. We can just use the emergency stairs. That will at least get us close. 

Deku: We'll follow your lead then.

You make your way to the party room and see villains holding the guest's hostage. You look over with Deku and see All Might tied up. He then uses his phone's flash to get his attention. 

Deku: Okay. He knows we're here.

You look around and see a villain with a metal helmet. You then freeze in fear.

Venom; Y/N. What's wrong?

Y/N; That villain in the metal helmet.

Venom; What about him.

Y/N; He's part of the villain group known as The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He's... he's Magneto's apprentice Wolfram. Their quirks are the same Magnetism, but Magneto is much stronger. 

Venom; So what you're saying is he's bad news.

Y/N; Bad is an understatement. Dammit how are we going to get out of this one?

Deku: Jiro is your jack in place?

Jiro: Yeah, ready. 

Deku: You can talk to us we're listening. 

All Might: Hope you can hear me. Some villains have taken over the tower. They have control of the security system, and now everyone on this island is now being held as a hostage. That includes the heroes at this party. It's dangerous get away from here as soon as you can.

Y/N; Why is it that we can't have 2 days go by without a villain attack Venom?

Venom; I don't know man. I don't know.

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