MHA The Movie: Two Heroes Pt1

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You free fall from the sky in your Symbiote suit with a backpack on your back. After falling for a bit, you shoot a web and start swinging. 

Spider-Man: Whoooo.

Venom; We gotta get to the airport Melissa's waiting on us.

Y/N; We still got 2 hours. We'll be there on time.

You release the web and flip into a freefall. You shoot another web, swing and when you release you shoot two webs. You use that as a slingshot, shoot another web, and roll around a water tower. You fall shoot another web and start swinging. You shoot a web use it to web-zip and do a wall-run. You jump and shoot a web and swing again. You turn left and release the web. You head into a free fall.

Y/N; We'll make it on time as long as there isn't a crime.

Venom; You've just jinxed us. 

Y/N; You're probably right. 

You then get a news alert on your phone saying that an Oscorp truck full of plutonium had been stolen. 

Spider-Man: Wow I did jinx us. Anyways let's get to work.

You shoot a web and start swinging to the truck. 

A/N: This plays in the background as you swing. 

You land on a roof flip and web-zip on top of a water tower. You flip off do a moonsault and start to swing again. You do a wall run and then jump off the wall. You shoot two webs and then do a web slingshot. Once you stop accelerating you shoot a web and start to swing again. You see a building and shoot a web at it. You pull on the web once you reach the edge of the building and turn. You release the webs and spin sideways before going back into free fall. You shoot two webs and swing on them. Once you release you shoot another web and start swinging again.  

Civilian: Spider-Man!

Spider-Man: Hello pedestrians.

Venom; I told you that you jinxed us.

Y/N; There are days that I want to find the entity known as L/N luck and beat it into submission.

Venom; You and me both buddy. Also Melissa is really scary.

Y/N; No shit man! No fucking shit!

You finally catch up to the car chase and swing to it. You flip onto the truck and knock on the window. 

Spider-Man: Hello. 

You pull up to see his face.

Spider-Man: Mr. Criminal.

He pulls down the window and you hold out your hand for him to shake. 

Spider-Man: Hey my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing, Spectacular, just don't call me late to dinner. 

He tries to punch you but you duck. You climb to the roof of the truck and then hang your head down.

Venom; We don't have time for the Y/N

Spider-Man: Not a shaker huh? A hugger?

Criminal: I am a killer.

He then turns his hand into ice.

Spider-Man: Oh well that's a neat quirk. 

He tries to punch you and you pull your head up. 

Meanwhile the other criminals are stealing the plutonium. 

Y/N L/N Vigilante DaysWhere stories live. Discover now