Vengeance of Venom

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A/N: This is two episodes combined into one so the chapter's a bit long. Also be prepared because the next couple of chapters are the Xavier Arc. You've been warned. 

A Spotlight shines on Glorie as she prepares to rehearse a poem.

Glorie: By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. 


Three thugs run out of the exit of a store. Two of them fall down and drop their bags. The third one stops and looks at them. He takes their bags and hightails it out of there.

Thug3: Sorry every crook for himself.

Black webs reach down and pull the first two thugs into the air. A black figure is seen leaping to the next roof. The third thug looks behind him to see the approaching threat. He shoots a nail bullet with his quirk but the mysterious vigilante swing kicks him onto the floor. A web is shot, and a dumpster is pulled into the air. The figure swoops down and axe kicks the dumpster onto the thug. 

Thug3: Help! Let me out!

The man leaps to the wall as a cop car pulls into the alley. The police exit the vehicle and aim at the man.

Cop: It's Spider-Man! Get him!

They shoot at him with wind and water causing him to dodge and leap into the air. The vigilante hits an officer's boot with a web-line and pulls him into the air. His partner aims at him again only for her to be attached to her car by a web. He lands on the ground and takes the bags from the thug under the dumpster before leaving the scene. 

Harry: Presume not that I am the thing I was, for I have turned away my former self. 


John: It's happening again. 

John drops to the floor in pain.

Venom; Is this a part of his quirk?

Y/N; No. 

Curt: Stay calm Colonel. Slow, deep breaths. 

His clothes start to rip. 

Jonah: Deep breaths. That's all you got? Help him. My boy's clothes are shrinking right off him.

Melissa crouches down to see if he is okay. 

Y/N: A-Actually, he's getting bigger. Uh, not that that helps either. 

You scratch your head in embarrassment. 

Venom; Can't we help him? 

Y/N; No. The only person with a quirk suited for this type of thing is...

Venom; Eddie. And he's AWOL. 

Y/N; Yup. 

He grows more causing the sleeves of his jacket to rip apart. He clumsily smashes through a table knocking beakers filled with chemicals to the floor. He falls back unaccustomed to the new weight he has and knocks you to the ground. Jonah manages to catch him before John falls on top of him.

Jonah: I got ya, Johnny. 

John: No Pop, stay back.

John frees himself from the grip of his father only to stumble forward and charge through the wall like the Juggernaut. 

Y/N: Oh great, now we got another Juggernaut. 

Jonah glares at you with a look that says, "Shut the fuck up before I whup your ass."

Y/N L/N Vigilante DaysWhere stories live. Discover now