Group Therapy

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At a mental asylum Doctor Ashley Kafka is discharging a certain Max Dillon

Ashley: Max I'm very proud of you. You've made tremendous progress. You need to continue therapy, but I know you'll do great out there.

Max: I owe it all to you Doctor Kafka. Thanks.

As she leaves Max dials the phone and Doctor Octopus picks up. 

Max: I'm out

Doctor Octopus: Excellent Maxwell. I'm so pleased

Max: You're the only person who wrote to me Doctor Octopus. 

Doctor Octopus: Well, I've taken a special interest in your case. An interest that will benefit us both. 

Max: Yeah. Love the idea of double-teaming You-Know-Who

Doctor Octopus: Double team. Oh surely, we can do better than that.

He hangs up and then walks over to Montana

Doctor Octopus: Busy tonight?

Montana: We're available.

He walks over and looks at Toomes who nods. 

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Black Cat clinging to Chibi Spider-Man

Toomes wheels a cart and wipes a sludge on the side of the wall. He gives dinner to Sandman and Rhino. 

Sandman: This is a joke a sandwich! I don't need food Toomes.

Toomes: Just save room for dessert Spider-Man a la mode.

Electro burns through his suit inhibitors and shocks the guards. He then blows up the prison's generator causing a prison blackout. Rhino and Sandman take the opportunity to break out since the quirk suppression system was disabled. They then free The Enforcers, Doctor Octopus, and Vulture from their cells. They escape from their prison and then Hammerhead gives them their gear back and they head to the city. 

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Spider-Man fighting the Chibi Sinister Six

Y/N: I love these lazy Saturday Mornings. 

You then look at your phone.

Y/N: Or noons. 

You get out of bed and go to take out the black suit only for it to form on you. 

Y/N: Wow this new alien suit is quite the timesaver. Now I just need my web-shooters. 

You reach for you web-shooters but shoot out a webbing of your own. You put the web-shooters back and put your shirt on. The suit then deforms.

Y/N: What would I ever do without you.

A/N You keep the symbiote but still use the red and blue primarily.

You slide down the stairs and see Aunt May watching T.V

Y/N: Aunt May shouldn't you be getting ready for your big night on the town with Miss. Watson?

Aunt May: To be honest I don't think I'm going to go.

Y/N: You've been planning this for a long time you deserve this.

Aunt May: Okay

You walk out of the room only for there to be a news report about the escaped convicts.

Y/N L/N Vigilante DaysWhere stories live. Discover now