Nature Vs Nurture

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A break in occurs and three thugs run out of a building. The run to a helicopter and try to escape. You swing and land on a steel beam. You shoot a web at one tripping him. One thug holds a suitcase so you shoot a web and pull it towards you. The suitcase then hits the thug behind him. One thug sees you and shoots at you with gun hands but you jump out of the way. You leap over him causing the thug to shoot the crates above him. The bullets knock the crates off and fall on the thug. One of them in the helicopter tries to fly off. You see this and pull him out. You pull the beefy thug to you and knock him out on the helicopter. 

Spider-Man: VERMONT SPEAR!!!!

You slingshot and double kick the thug into the thug behind him. The one that was shooting at you earlier tries to hit you with his gun hands. You then shoot a web at and electrical box and knock him out with it. Your Spider-Sense tingles and you see two people with guns approach you. You jump and twist. You shoot two webs at them and pull them into each other knocking them out. The beefy one throws a crate at you knocking you off the roof. You shoot a web and then swing kick him. The kick sends him flying off the roof and you attach him to the side of the building with a web. One of the thugs gets in the helicopter and flies off. The thug with guns for hands also gets up and starts shooting at you. You web-zip to the wall and run away from the bullets. You jump off the wall and swing into the helicopter. You swing kick him out of the helicopter and turn it off. As the helicopter falls to the ground you shoot a web at it and attach it to a building. You shoot more webs and attach them to buildings until the helicopter stops falling. You then swing off and web up the crooks for the cops.

Y/N; The old red and blue. And a symbiote that DOESN'T TRY TO TAKE OVER MY BODY. Not too shabby.

Venom; I said I'm sorry. How many times do I have to apologize. 

Y/N; I'm just joking man. You know we're friends.

Venom; I know. Also I'm just having a constant feeling of impending doom. 

Y/N; Okay now you're the one that's paranoid.

Venom; I'm concerned we might be in danger. 

Y/N; Fine we'll be careful you happy now.

Venom; Yeah also isn't that I-Expo thing you're exited about coming up soon.

Y/N; Yeah. Just sucks we won't get to go.

Venom; I know.

Y/N; Also Tombstone.

Venom; Yeah. What were we thinking. Taking a job from Tombstone.

Y/N; Yeah time to quit.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Melissa kissing Chibi Y/N on the lips

You drop the thugs masks on Tombstone's desk.

Tombstone: I take it our deal is off.

Venom; Bitch you have no idea.

You flip off the ceiling and land on Tombstone's desk. 

Spider-Man: There's not enough money in the world for me to turn a blind eye for your great works. Keep the light on, because I'm coming for you.

You swing off.

Venom(E): It appears you have a job opening.

Tombstone looks over to see Venom(E) crawling on the wall.

Venom(E): We'll take it. 

Y/N L/N Vigilante DaysWhere stories live. Discover now