Shipped of...(again)

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I walked In through the front door of my foster home, everything was quite, except for distant whispers that soon stopped once i closed the door behind me.
I entered the bland, boring, white living room to see My foster family stood holding hands infront of a pile of my things in boxes and bin bags.

"Er listen, we understand how you must feel but we can-"

They started this poorly planned speech ive heard Millions of times before. I rolled my head around and tightened my jaw, clasping my teeth together.

"When is she coming for me then."

i say dryly cutting off their speech. The women opens her mouth but is cut off by a car pulling into the drive way and both of them look down and the floor hugging each other.

"Couldn't wait huh?" I say bitterly as i walk to the entrance of the house and run upstairs to my 'bedroom'. I heard voices on the edge of tears apologising from downstairs as i pulled a draw towards me and grabbed a sapphire stoned necklace from behind it.


A voice shouted from the bottom of the stairs but i was already waking down them as they shouted

"Not my name."

I reply quickly Clenching my teeth, My social worker Lydia looked up at me, all my bags in hand. She never called me E'r, She always calls me Erin because apparently 'its my real name, so she must call me that' or something stupid.

I got into her tiny mini and we drove out of the driveway, i stared at my old foster parents faces through the window as they cried, i don't know why their crying, they decided to kick me out, not me.

"So more foster 'parents' or back to burny hell?"

I say to Lydia, she looks at me through the rear view mirror and sighs

"Neither, You see its a new place, Burny wood is full and doesn't really want you back anyways....But maybe you will make friends here"

She says trying to get me excited about being sent to another place i will hate and get moved from in a week.


i Roll my eyes as we pull into a driveway, the sign says 'Elm tree house'. Lydia parks the car and gets out as a bald man comes out of the front door and shakes her hand. They talk for awhile before walking over to the car and Lydia opens my car door.

"Hi there, Im Mike Milligan, Head care worker. Welcome to Elm Tree house"

He says smiling at me while leaning on the door. I look at him closely, and look over at Lydia Prompting me to respond


I reply, I stare at Lydia and smile as she puts her head in her hands,

"Sorry shes a-bit-"

Lydia Begins at Mike

"Stubborn, Rude, Annoying, Gobby, Loud and disrespectful"

I say smiling. I step out of the car and put my hand out to mike, he takes it and shakes my hand.

"E'r Whells. Local care monster. Been through 18 care homes, 35 foster parents and 12 Social workers."

I say cheerily as i let go off his hand and grab my bag from the car and close the door

"Ive heard, but i appreciate a challenge."

Mike says smirking at me, i look at him and

"Good reply. I like you so far."

I say while leaning against the car. Mike and Lydia grab my things and head inside, We walk into An office and i take a seat on the sofa.

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