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(Sorry for the past parts being deleted but i didn't enjoy writing it, in restarting from the chapter'Run Away' and some details may have changed)

Set inbetween Good luck boy and Via Carmen

One again i sat in the back of Lydia's Mini as she drove me the same route to Elm Tree house, She was either giving me a pep talk or a lecture, im not quite sure because i had my headphones in. I was dreading going back after what i did.
We pulled back into the drive way and Lydia turned back and looked at me while talking, thats when she noticed i had my headphones in.I took them out and looked at her

"Say something?" I ask with a puzzled look on my face

"Erin...Listen just try this again okay forget what happened." She says sighing as she proceeds to get out the car and close her car door. I look out the car window and see Carmen, Lilly, Johnny and Tobys face all in the living room window, i shift my eyes and look up to see Frank and a boy i didn't recognise also staring at me.
Lydia opened my car door as the houses door also opened, i saw Mike walk out with someone i recognised but not from here.
I got out the car and Mike and the women approached.

"Hi E'r, This is Tracy shes our new careworker" Mike said

"Werent you getting nicked?" i ask looking her up and down

"Credit card fraud" a boy says walking up from behind them, it was the same boy from the window "and your the one with the nutty social worker" he says looking over at Lydia who looks visbly embarrassed

"In the flesh" I say smirking

"Erin go inside please, me and Mike need to talk about what happened" Lydia says pointing inside

"Alright alright im going" i say holding up my hands
We walked inside to see Tee, Frank, Johnny and Gus all stood in the Door way with Carmen hiding behind them

"I never gave you the tour" Gus said opening his note book

"What time you free?" i say looking into his notebook

"Now for the next 34 minutes" Gus said checking his watch

"Well i will be free in 6 so how about a 28 minutes for the tour?" i say as he notes it down

"i will wait here" he said

We walked over into the office and Gina looked at me puzzled

"How did you do that?" She says pointing at Gus

"dunno, i just told him when i was free?" I say looking confused as i sat down ok the edge of the desk "you have 6 minutes" I say

"Listen E'r, We understand how The other day was very difficult for you so there wont be as big of a punishment, You are only sanctioned for this week" Gina said

"Okay, that all?" i question looking around the room "place is cleaner than usual, That Tracy is helping out"

"Still observant,and she dose but it would be alot better if she showed up on time " Mike says checking his watch and giving Gina a look

"You have  1minute left so..?" I say looking at the offices large clock tick over

"We just want to ask you how we can help you mange your anger" Mike says Locking his fingers together

"Still tryna figure that out, ask my dad maybe, Times up" i say as i stand up and walk back out the office and turn to Gus

"Okay so Where do we start?" i ask Gus

"Follow me, and no talking on the tour" he said as he lead me towards the living room. He gave me the full tour of downstairs and then took me upstairs. "This is Carmen and Lillys room" he began giving an in-depth backstory of each girl, as i looked around their room, They only stared at me though giving me dirty looks and looking at eachother every 10 seconds.

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