Cold night

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I sat in that tunnel for hours, till the sun rose that morning. I had barley moved an inch since i sat down. I really wanted to go back, of course i did but i couldn't just walk in the door after disappearing for like 10ish hours.

I stood up and gauged my surroundings before setting off through back alleys and neighbourhoods i knew police wouldn't be around.

I must have walked for 2 hours but had barley been anywhere due to the long winding roads i had to take to avoid police or alot of public. I reached a small cafe and entered.

I walked up the counter and pulled £3.50 out my pocket and ordered a hot chocolate and sausage roll before walking to their bathroom.
I stared at myself in the mirror before fixing my hair and making myself look as hidden as possible. I walked back out the bathroom to eat my Hot chocolate and sausage roll.

I tucked into my breakfast before noticing a women in the back whispering on a phone call and constantly looking at me. I looked on my phone which i hadn't had on due to it being on 2% and saw a post about me being missing.

The post said:


E'r whells was last seen February 2nd at 6:24pm wearing a pair of Black oversized Jeans and a black and green striped jumper topped with a black sip up hoodie. E'r is around 5'6 with brown puffy hair and green eyes.
If seen please call 082977100

Thank you

"Shit" I thought turning my phone off and ignoring the 20 ish missed calls from everyone i knew

I grabbed my food and walked out the cafe and back into the back alleys i had previously walked through.

I must've only walked for 10 minutes before i heard police sirens approaching and i began sprinting, the lights were visible all around me as i ran ignoring my surroundings.
As the car approached i released i was done for, a red brick wall blocked my path and freedom.

I heard the car door open and out of frustration I punched the wall as hard as i could, causing my knuckles to bleed and crack.
I felt hands touch mine and Cooper began to place handcuffs on my wrists.

"You mess everything up" i hissed as he clicked the handcuffs on

"You scared everyone you know?" Cooper said walking me over to his car

"Why do i care?" i snapped bitterly as he placed me in the back of his police car

The drive was tense and silent as he drove me back to Elm Tree house, I was planning on bolting again as soon as i could.

He pulled into the driveway and escorted me out of the car with handcuffs still tightly around my wrists. As he began unlocking them i saw multiple faces in the windows staring at me in confusion.

Cooper places his hand tightly on my shoulders as he escorted me inside. Mike greeted him while everyone else watched from the stairs, except Liam who was stood next to the piano.

i avoided eye contact as i was escorted into the office were Mike stood infront of the door. He just watched me for afew seconds, it was almost like he was studying me to decide his next move.

"E'r you scares us so badly" He finally said

"You took the only people that need me away, why would i stick around?" I snarled

"Babe i understand your upset..." Gina said

"You have taken away the only person ill always have." I said as tears formed in my eyes

"E'r if you runaway one more time you'll be under house arrest." Mike said "We understand this is so difficult for you but you have to cooperate with us"

"For what?" i asked leaning back into my chair

"For a chance to see them and be a good big sister " Cooper interrupted

I went quite the rest of the time i was in the office, they spoke about punishments and how difficult it can be. I was allowed out of the office 15 minutes later to see everyone still waiting on the stairs.

I walked over to Liam who didn't say anything

"Fun fact, i slept in a tunnel last night" i laughed nudging him

He laughed back "Your actually insane" He shook his head

"Someone has too be" I shrugged

As walked into the kitchen and sat at the island

"so what happened?" He asked biting a biscuit he just got out the tin

"They told me i couldn't see Will anymore so i flipped and ran off" i shrugged taking a biscuit myself

"And slept in a tunnel?" Liam said giving me a look

"To be fair that wasn't my smartest move" i protected

suddenly tracy emerged from the garden and she seemed surprised to see me,

"E'r?" She asked confused

"Hi" I said casually while eating my biscuit

"Where have you been?!" Tracy exclaimed

"Sleeping in a tunnel apparently" Liam smiled shaking his head

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