Run away

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I sat at the bus stop, studying the time table, next bus was to town so i guess thats where i'm going.

Around 20 minutes later i got off the bus and walked through the town center, passing shops and carparks, Couples and families. Happy families... But i just kept walking, i dont know where i was going but i just had keep going.

Around an hour later i sat down outside a rundown shop, i went into my pocket and held my necklace in my fist.

"Ill see you soon dad." I muttered to myself.

I got up after while and wandered around again, I walked into the busiest place in town and admired the clothes and shoes. They were so expensive though.

I kept walking until i saw 2 police officers walking around speaking to people. they seemed to have. picture in their hands they were showing people, I hid behind a wall with my hood up until someone pointed at me to the police officers.

I ran as fast as i could down through streets and alleys but they kept following me. I Took shortcuts through shops and flower beds but they got closer.

I felt an arm on my shoulder that dragged me towards them. I looked up and a Brown haired officer had grabbed me.

"For god sake. Can you not leave me alone for 2 seconds Cooper."

I sighed catching my breath. Officer Cooper and I had crossed paths afew hundred times before.

"I would if you stopped getting us called on you."

He replied walking me back through town. People were staring and recording us, some people even shouted to let me go because it was child abuse.

"See listen to them lot. Please just let me go, Im not staying there so theres no point. Its waisting your time."

I plead. I wasnt wrong, i was just gonna run away again, He seemed to think about it but then went on his walky-talky

"Ive got E'r in town. Bringing her in now"

He says into his radio. I look at him and smile.

"Not taking me back then? You have a soft spot for me Cooper."

I tease at him as he unlocks he car and puts me in the back

"thank for the ride"

I joke as i hop out of the police car.

"Do you ever shut up?"

He remarks. We walk into the station and i sit in a chair in the waiting room. He walks up to the desk and talks to the guy there.

"Stay put."

He says firmly as he walks into the back. The desk guy gets on the phone.

"Hi there, Is this Mr Milligan? Yeah we have her at the station, Actually... We have 2 of yours."

I tuned out of the call awhile ago thinking how i can not go back. I walk up-to the Desk guy and smile

"Hi..Sooo. Could you ring this number and tell them im here. I know you rang Milligan and all but....Pleaseee?"

I say convincingly


The desk guy replys and puts in the number.

"Actually pass me the phone"

I take the phone from him and he gives me a dirty look, The phone rings until i hear someone pick up

"Hello? Whos this?"

"Hi- Its Me...E'r. im in the police station come get me ASAP."


"Just come here okay?! Thanks byyyeee"

I hang up and give the phone back.

"Thank you~"

i smile and sit down

Around 5 minutes later Lydia bursts in


She shouts but quickly stops when she remmbers shes in public.

"why on earth are you here again?!"She whispers

"Did a runner. Just get me out off her im not going back there"

I reply. She gets me released and we get in her mini.

"Listen. Theres no where else for you to go!"

Lydia says worryingly

"Please Lydia, put me in an Emergency Foster placement for a night or two! I cant go back there. And even if i have to NOT TONIGHT! I almost threw a glass at mikes head."

I plead. Lydia looks at me and thinks for awhile before nodding

"FINE. 2 nights, if i cant find anything else your going back. THE END. And you cant run away again!"

She puts out her hand


"Cant run away for a week-?"

I bargin

"A month."

She replys

"Two weeks final offer"

I say putting out my hand into hers


We both shake our hands as she gets on the phone and organises a placement for me

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