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It had been afew days since i originally ran away, id heard nothing about any of my family until today.

I layed sprawled across the sofa as Frank and Liam played pool.

"E'r come to the office please" Gina said stood in the doorway

"Can i finish watching this" I sighed pointing at the tv

"Now." Gina insisted

I sighed and walked with Gina to the office were Mike and Tracy were waiting for us, i could already tell this wasnt good.

"Well this is cozy" I smiled sitting down

"Listen E'r, Your dad-" Mike began

my smile melted away instantly "What's wrong with him?" I interrupted nervously, sitting up straight and stiff

"Nothing, Hes out on bail while his case is being reviewed again" Mike finished

"What? When?" I asked

"He got out at 9am" He smiled softly

"He's coming to see me right?" I said with a slight smile

I hadn't seen my dad in a month and abit so i was super excited. I loved my dad alot, he was really sweet and he loved me too.

"We aren't sure yet, but we will try our best" Gina nodded

I smiled to myself knowing my dad would do anything to see me. I was let out the office and was spotted by Liam and Frank who were walking down the stairs.

"Whats got you so happy?" Liam asked

"Im gonna see my dad" I smiled

Liam looked taken aback by that, and Frank gave him a look. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Im being serious"

"I thought he was in prison?" Frank said confused

"Who's in prison?" Johnny asked curiously

"My dad was but hes out on bail" I remarked

"Wait so your dads gonna come see you?" Johnny asked thinking i was joking

"Well yeah" I remarked pushing past him and going upstairs to my room

I sat on my bed, staring out the window imagining my dad walking down the driveway with a massive smile ready to come see me. Finally I had someone else who needed me, a reason to stick around, someone they couldn't take away. I sat staring out the window for 2 ish hours waiting but he never waltzed down the driveway.
I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialled his number, hoping since he'd been released he had his phone on him. The phone rang and rang but there was no answer.

I sighed and placed my phone back in my pocket and stood up, walking downstairs and sitting next at the computer while Johnny and Liam played pool. I began researching on the computer, one tab that read "Supporting ex-felons outside of prison" While hiding my tab behind that was research on the places Dad could be staying.

"Supporting Ex-Fellons?" Johnny read my tab out loud

"Yeah what about it?" I asked glaring at him

"You really think he's staying out? Someone like him will be back in instantly" Johnny laughed

"JOHNNY!" Tee shouted angrily

My eyes widened and i stood up, getting close with Johnny, centimetres from his face.

"Say that again. I dare you" I hissed

"Woah back it up" Tracy said walking into the living room

"Don't have a go at me I didn't lay a finger on him" I said sitting back at the computer with my hands up

"I heard what he said, Johnny come with me." Tracy said angrily

Johnny trailed out the living room sourly as I kept flicking my tabs back and forth.

"Play pool with me now Johnnys in trouble" Liam said leaning over my shoulder

"Fine." I sighed deciding to have a break

We played pool for around 15 minutes till my phone started ringing. I immediately dropped my cue and looked at the number ringing me.

"Oi!" Liam exclaimed as i ran out the room

I ran into a closet as I answered the call

"Dad?" I whispered down the phone

"Hey E'r" Dads voice responded

"Where are you?" I asked eagerly

"Im sorting out my accommodation, i'm applying to visit you as soon as" He said sweetly

"Why wait?" I asked happily full of excitement

"We have to do this properly E'r." Dad sighed

"Okay, Okay i get it. Come as soon as" I said agreeing

"I will, I promise" He confirmed, i could hear the smile in his voice

"See you soon" I smiled

"You too" He returned before the phone call ended

I existed the closet, Tracy walking past as i did and stopping when she sees me.

"What are you doing?" She asked placing her hand on her hip

"Nothing" I shrugged walking away

"E'r!" Tracy exclaimed with a sigh

I went back into the living room and watched as Liam took his shot.

"What was that about?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow as he potted a ball

"Nothin" I dismissed as he took another shot

"Whatever" He remarked rolling his eyes

We continued playing for another 10 minutes before the game ended and Liam went to find Frank. I continued researching about dad when Tracy and Mike came in to the living room.

"Johnnys being punished for what he said. Im proud of you for how you dealt with it." Mike said leaning on the pool table

"Don't be, if Tracy didn't walk i cant say what i would've done" I remarked continuing to google things

"Listen, E'r..." Tracy stuttered

"Your dad might not be out permanently, this is just bail till he goes to court" Mike sighed

"Hes gonna be found innocent" I smiled shaking my head that they doubt him

"But, Hes not innocent..." Tracy muttered

I looked up at her quickly causing her to wince.

"Look, He may not be innocent but what he did was for me and mum. Just because she couldn't wait anymore doesn't mean I cant. He did it for us its not his fault." I explained

"We know E'r, however the court may not think that's acceptable" Mike said sadly

"MAY, that chance is tiny" I remarked rolling my eyes

"You need to be prepared for the worst we do-" Tracy tried

"Jesus do you not like people being happy?" I scoffed before finally standing up and walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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