Face to Face

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My feet hit the floor and I immediately sprinted into the bushes, if anyone saw me I would immediately be done for.
I crouched in the bushes in the garden, My eyes darted from window to window checking if anyone was around.

Mikes Face passed the window and my body tensed, following him was Liam who stopped and looked out the window, I stared at him and he stared back.
I took my chance and ran out the garden and into the street, sprinting till i was out of sight.

I walked towards where Mum used to live, i'm not sure if she still did but it was my best bet right now. It was about 10 minutes away so I placed my hands in my pockets hiding my clenched fist and walked down the road.

The street approached quickly, the exact same as when i last went, which was about 8 months ago when i was removed from her house again.
The houses were all the same, so were the cars and gardens, everything was the same except wasn't there anymore.

I starred at the green front door of my mums home, The gold lion doorknock still dull, the handle still loose, the window beside still stained with beautiful colours and designs.
She was going to go mad when she saw me.
But i had to knock, I had to.

Knock Knock

I heard some chaos from inside and then I heard it, Mums voice.

"Scarlet watch your brother please" She said sweetly as her shadow appeared in the stained glass.

The door opened gently and her head turned towards me, her face fell from a smile to a grave frown

"what are you doing here" She hissed

"Why dont you want me to see the baby?" I asked her, my fist still clenched hard in my pocket

"Unless you follow my rules you aren't having anything to do with this family." She replied angrily with an emotionless face

"Will and this baby are my siblings, I want to see them!" Exclaimed

"You aren't their siblings, just like your not my daughter." She said bluntly narrowing her eyes

My heart dropped and its beat became rapid.

"Ive never been your daughter since you gave up on dad" I exclaimed with my eyes glossy
"You cant stand that im a part of him." I hissed

Mum got visibly angry at that comment and was about to explode when a man appeared behind her.

"Erin?" His rough voice said in confusion

"Sort her out Rich!" Mum exclaimed as she stormed away from the door and into the living room where Will and Scarlett where

"Erin you cant be here" He said in a quite tone

"Im only here for Will and that Baby. Im not here for you lot, I just wanna see my siblings and shes taking them away from me!" I exclaimed full of anger

Suddenly Will ran to the door, Scarlett followed and her face tightened when she saw me

"E'R!" Will exclaimed excitedly while throwing his arms around me

"Hey" I replied, once his arms touched me my anger melted away

"I understand it's difficult but your mum wants whats best for them and y-" Rich tried to explain

"She only wants whats best for her." I interjected while letting go of Will and rustling his hair "Thats why she kicked me out" I hissed

"See you soon" I told Will before looking back towards Scarlett, I didnt say anything

"You cant stop me seeing him, i will do this everytime if i have to" I remarked before walking down the driveway

Will cried seeing my departure, but i kept walking down the street, knowing still nothing had changed since i left.

I climbed back in my window and opened my bedroom door, Liam was stood outside it.

"Saw you in the garden" He said leaning on the wall "What happened" He asked

"Nothing" I said bitterly while walking past him

Knock Knock

The front door was opened and a familiar radio was heard and then the dreaded

"E'r!" Mikes voice shouted from downstairs

I walked downstairs to see PC Cooper stood at the bottom next to Mike. My neck jerked and my eyes rolled as i stood 2 stairs from the bottom.

"Whats she done this time?" Carmen remarked

My head swivelled to give her a look and then turned back.

"Your mums reported you" Cooper said bluntly

I clenched my teeth and walked down the 2 stairs before going to the quite room with Cooper.

"She said you turned up at her doorstep and started screaming at her and making your siblings cry" He explained while sitting on the sofa

"Bollocks" I remarked while flopping on the chair opposite him

His eyebrow raised so i continued

"I went to her house to ask why i couldn't see the baby, and she said i wasnt her daughter and blah blah, Rich sorted it and Will only cried because i had to leave" I explained

"E'r you cant just turn up there" He sighed "Your banned from seeing them till further notice" He added

My teeth clenched so hard i felt like they were going to shatter, I had no words for the feelings i felt.
I stood up and stormed out the quite room, Mike, Liam, Frank and Johnny were all stood in the hallway. I pushed Johnny out the way and stomped towards the door

"E'r!" Mike exclaimed

I swung the door open and slammed it behind me and i sprinted off. I hated the dumping ground in that moment, if i wasn't there i would be able to see my brother whenever i wanted, with mums permission or not.
I got to a small tunnel plastered in graffiti and smashed glass and sat down in a area that wasnt as dirty.

The sun started going down and I placed my hands in my pockets and regretted every choice id ever made.

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