Elm Tree House

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"Cup of tea?"

Mike asked me as i stood in the office, I looked around at the cluttered office, Stuff everywhere

"You have hotchoclate?"

I ask

"Course we do its a care home not prison"

He laughs, he gets me a hot chocolate and we begin to talk

"So, Your not prone to sticking around care-homes?"

"Not really. Only burny wood"

He looks up from my file with a puzzled look

"Why burny wood?"

"Because, Its funny there. And People either love or hate me so its a laugh. Even staff hate me"

"I see, Well i hope you can stay here. Everyones abit...Much, but you will settle in. We are abit-"


I joke looked around at the mess

"Very observant."

We both laugh

"So your dad-"

Mike gets cut of my the loud noise outside. We look and see half the care home looking in the office window duck to try hide. A women comes out and stats yelling at them to leave us alone and they all walk down the hall slowly

"Sorry about that. Anwyays..."

We talk for awhile before mike shows me to my room.Its bland and boring, like everywhere else, but im allowed to decorate.
The walls are light brown and the carpet is grey, theres a Dark brown wood bed in the corner with a open hanger infront. Theres also a desk, bedside table, And bookshelf.
I decide to keep the room the same but add my decorations to it. i unpack my vines and posters, My books and photos and my clothes and shoes.


I head downstairs and enter the living room to see 7 people staring at me. One girl steps towards me.

"Hi, im carmen. This is Lilly, Tee, Johnny, Toby, Sapphire and Harry."

She says smiling at me.


I reply laying on the sofa.

"Um..Whats your name?"

Another girl who carmen said was called tea or something? I dont know. I look at the youngest kid and sit up and smile at him.

"Harry right? Whos this?"

I say pointing at his stuffed giraffe


He replys timidly

"Lovely to meet both of you. Sapphire right? Cool name."

I say as i hand her a piece of paper and begin to walk out. She unfolds it and reads it aloud

"Urrr?" She says confused

"Its E'r. As in Air, like wind."

I walk out of the living room and go over to speak to mike.


i walk into the kitchen to see him talking to the women from earlier

"Hi there im Ginna"

"Okay- When do i get to vist him"

I ask mike Eagerly

"I dont know"

He replys Sipping his tea

"they haven't answered yet"

He carrys on

"Then keep sending them messages till they do."

I reply angrily

"You will have to wait"

He says looking over at me

"No! I would be with him tommorw if it wasnt for you lot!"

I shout sharply

"E'r. I know this is hard for you but you, like everyone else, have to wait and follow the rules"

Mike replys, standing up and frowning at me

"You dont understand anything about me."

I reply angrily. The other kids look through the door and watch.

"Ive read your file and i understand how you feel. I know your frustrated about this but your no different to everyone else when it comes to the rules. there's nothing i can do so calm down"

"you understand NOTHING. All you are is a Old man who wants to help charity cases for good Karma. You dont get to tell me to calm down when you get to see your family anytime you want. SO SHUT UP."

I Yelled. I picked up a glass and threw it at the wall next to mike and pushed past all the kids, nocking over Carmen and Lilly. I heard everyone talking about me as i ran upstairs and grabbed my bag.

I opened my window and looked down. I saw a drain pipe and slid down it, Once i hit the floor i ran as fast as i could down the street.

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