Trust No One

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     "Dude, calm down," I tried to tell my brother as he hastily paced in the living room. "First, let's think about our family. Who can we trust from them?"

     "No one! I told you! How many times can I tell you!"

     At this point, I had gotten really fed up that he was not trying to think at all! Just worrying, worrying, and worrying some more.

     "Cato Armadaeo Hadley! Just shut the hell up and sit down! Your dumbass is not helping our situation! Just sit down and think."

He glared at me but sat down anyways.

     "So smart ass, what are we supposed to do?"

     "Let's start thinking of people to trust. Mom."

     He didn't answer.

     "Well, I think so, because as a child, she taught us songs about the rebellion and true meaning of Hunger Games."

"That seems about right," he said quietly.


"Maybe, because he is only half District Two. He was probably taught two different ways of life.

     "I guess so. What about Carter?"

     "I'm not quite sure he will entirely understand what is going on. We don't know if his insanity will make him blurt things out. We can trust him, but not with super duper vital information."

"Aunt Clara?"

"Is that even a question? Of course! She's the reason I was so defiant in the first place!"

     "Uncle Daniel?"

     We were both silent.

     Uncle Daniel, my mom's brother, is a peacekeeper. And we know that peacekeepers can't be trusted.




     "No. He cannot be trusted."

     "He's family!"

     "He works for the Capitol. We can't trust uncle-"

     And almost as if it was planned, we heard the voice that can only belong to that of our uncle.

     The door opens and closes, as he says, "where are my favorite Victor siblings! I've got presents for you?"

     I plastered the best smile on my face and got up.

     He was in his peacekeeper uniform with his helmet to his side and trying miserably to balance at least ten gifts in his hands.

     "Oh uncle Daniel you didn't-"

     "Oh I had to! My niece and nephew are the pride and joy of Panem right now! Along with those other haggling urchins- but they are not important!"

     "Ummm, yes they are, and don't forget that Carter is a Victor too! All our your sisters children are Victors."

      "Yeah yeah, I know. I've gotten Carter his fair share of presents."

     I looked back to Cato, and he had now gotten up as well, trying desperately to act normal.

     "You guys were amazing together, and put on quite a show!"

     "I'm glad you liked it uncle," I replied.

     "Alright, my shift is going to start again soon, so you open these up together and I'll come back later alright?" He said finally placing everything on the island.

     "Yes uncle Daniel. Have a good day!" Cato said.

     We gave him hugs and sent him on his way.

     "Do you think he sensed anything wrong?" I asked, worried.

     "I don't know man, even I would think we're being a bit sketchy."

     "Do you think we should open the presents?"

     "Hey! Never resist a good present. We find something wrong with it then we deal with it later."

     "Do you still think we can't trust him?"

     We were silent.

     "Yes. We've been taught that it's duty before family. And no doubt about it that he's been thinking that. That's what was taught. So we better watch what we say in front of him."

     We sat down and discussed other people we could and could not trust. Like some other family, our trainers, and friends.

     "Look Callie even though we can trust some people, we cannot tell them anything confidential. Like things just between us. Yes we can trust, but in reality it's just you and me. Don't talk to anyone else.

     "Wait, so I can't talk to Darrin?"


     "That's not fair!" 

     "That's how it has to be."

     "Fine! Then you can't talk to Clove!"

     "That's different-"

     "No it's not! It's really not! If I can't talk to anyone, neither can you!"

     "Fine! Just Darrin. JUST Darrin."

     And with that we opened our presents.

A/N: Hi sorry for the short first chapter, but here it is! I hope chapter 2 can be out soon

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