The Victory Tour

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"January. A month of honor, courage, dedication, and sacrifice."

     Sacrifice. The word hits me like a brick, toppling me over and hitting me in the head again and again and again until my mind becomes nothing.

     Coach Ackerman continues. "January. A month that will forever be used to honor this years Victors, the Hadley's!"

     A series of whoops and whistles arise from the Training Center.

       Everyone is here today. Everyone of all ages. This is the annual speech Coach gives to honor Victors. I can imagine how happy he is that he's been giving it so recent. I can also imagine the other career districts mourning the loss of their tributes, not being able to give the same speech.

     I stand awkwardly next to Cato. He knows about Ackerman's plot to kill me, but does not know the visit President Snow gave me. He now has completely started to listen to me. Pretty wise of him, I know.

     There are times in the day when I become extremely happy, thinking about how good my life is. Then I remember the visit, and my heart stands still.

     Before my mother became ill-minded, I remembered something she'd always do. She told me, "Anytime you have something to say about our Capitol..." and then I'd put a silent finger to my mouth and whisper "shhhhhhh". I wonder now if this is because there was always someone watching us, or because treason was uncommon and dangerous in District Two.

I wish I could talk to her. I realize now that I've really been missing my Mom. I try to be angry at her. Try to think about the fact that at 8 years old, I was taking care of her, instead of her taking care of me. She left me alone. Through all times in my life. School projects, homework, even puberty. She left me. And I was so angry I didn't realize how much I missed her.

I just want my mother back.

"The Victory Tour will be interesting this year. Our District 2 Victors will travel to District 12, and together, they will meet each district besides their own."

These words snap me back into reality. The format this year is unique. Being that there are four Victors and all. I'm nervous. But anxious to meet up with Katniss to discuss our troubles. I'm pretty sure we're both on the same page, but I have much to tell her, and much to teach her. Her being from District 12, wont know how to deal with certain events. But being I've been taught at a young age. So it is now my job to pass on this information.

We were asked to report to the Training Center at 7am for this speech, and to get the District awake for the arrival of Capitol attention.

Cato, my dad and I stand by our delirious brother and mother. My dad puts his arms around my mothers shoulders securely as I clench my brothers hand supportively.

This is a hard time for them. It's a hard time especially because Snow makes it hard on them. I know that now. There's a lot about my family and ancestors I don't know. What history does my grandfather and the president have? Why has my highly honored family turned out to be punished for near a century?

I can't imagine what he's done to them. Planting images in their head? Trackers in their eyes so he can see everything they do? What has he done to my family?

We slowly walk away, still grasping onto each other tightly. Carter is trembling madly. I'm surprised he has not yet thrown a fit like he did the day I left for the Reaping.

     We walk down the streets toward the Victors Village, people giving pitying looks. They all know our story. They all know what happened.

     But they don't know it's because of what Snow did.

     I will have my revenge. I will.

     My Dad is excited for this. All his children Victors. Two of his children going out at once.

     He excitedly discusses looks and angles with my brothers prep team. Mine has not arrived to our house yet. He grins wide and hugs my brother, my dad probably being more excited than my brother.

     I stand silently watching, then decide I should go upstairs to check on my Mom and Carter.

     As soon as I start my way up, my Dad calls to me.

     "Callie, come down here," he instructs.

     Reluctantly, I walk down. "Yeah?"

     He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Are you excited, hon? You get to go out with your brother as a Victor! How are you feeling?"

     I simply frown at him. "Uh oh," he says, "What's going on?"

     "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I'm so tired of this! Why are they doing this to us?"

"Callista Rosier Hadley. This is an honor. You will put a smile on your face and hold your chin high for your district and your family," he says sternly.

"No! You're just a Career wannabe who wasn't good enough and is now trying to live his life through his kids! I thought with your dad being from Eleven, you'd been taught different, but I guess I was wrong."


"You're okay with this? They've been torturing us for generations! And you are encouraging it! You're encouraging kids dying! You are egging us on to KILL other peoples kids. I ensure you, that if I had not saved Cato that night, you would not be saying the same thing. If we had died, you would not be like this. And this tour? Is just a simple reminder that us Heaths and us Hadley's can never ever run from them. Our family? We will always be a piece in their games."

A/N: ooooh Callie is finally speaking up about her family injustice? What will she do next? (No seriously idk what's gna happen next I need ideas😂)

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