5. 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕐𝕠𝕦...

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After almost a full day of just sitting in a chair and staring at the same dirty beige wall, the sun was starting to set. Creatures, such as possums and roaches, started coming in and exploring the place. I gagged. I tried moving around to get them to leave. To no luck, they all stayed and I almost tipped the chair over. 

This place is disgusting. 

My body was weakened much more quicker than I had expected. A day without eating a single thing was draining me. A few times, my head had dropped forward due to exhaustion. I was literally dying and I don't even know for how long. I fell asleep repeating the slumped sleeping motions. 

The doors opened again after the warehouse was completely dark. Footsteps walked towards me. Heavy but somehow still quiet and soft. 

"I'm back!" his voice cooed. Aggressive shuffles were muffled under a plastic-like fabric. He dropped it and the only sounds heard were his contradicting footsteps continuing towards me. 

He had a lamp with him. He stopped in front of me. "Samuel?" I questioned through a tired whisper. I was waking up from his dominating presence. I knew it was him but... but I guess I just felt the need to confirm. 

Samuel hummed in response. "Samuel, I need to stretch. I feel so weak. I hate this. Please."

He grabbed my hair and forced me to look up at him. "I told you to call me Sato."

With tear-filled eyes, I felt my entire body heat up as I nodded. "Sato." He slowly released my hair and escorted his palm to the back of my neck. His grip softened. He drummed in question. "What do I get if I allow to stretch?"

"Please, Sato." I whimpered in the dark room. He walked away and came back with a thick blade. He cut me loose quickly, being very careful with my ankles and wrists.

I slumped forward as I was finally free. "Thank you," I whispered. 

He helped me up off of the chair and made me look at him. "Don't try anything, (y/n). We move in the morning."

By my shoulders, he moved me back from himself. I forced adrenaline into my body to get moving. Also scanning the direction Sato came from. The exit. "I have so many questions."

He said nothing. He only stood very close while I struggled to move my weak composition.

Knee hug. Child's pose. Hip flexor. Quad. Seated hamstring. Toe touch. Wall push. Downward dog. I finished and gazed at the door that was the opposite way of my chair. The energy within me was decreasing quickly. 

Knowing that Sato should have been watching me, not seeing him shocked me. My eyes had already adjusted to the dark. Where was he? I walked towards the door. Then I jogged. It turned into a sprint. 

I felt palms, no. They felt more like large, drawn out claws snake around my waist. The full weight of a tall body was hugging mine with no warmth. I wanted to fight back but the strength left from being held captive and not eating for however long was straining my will. Especially now that I had no more energy. 

"Ah ah ah. (Y/n), it's not time to go yet." he whispered in a joking manner. He was nowhere near me. 

Turning around to face him, I realized it wasn't him. It was a human-bodied cloud. It was fading. It was black. It was terrifying. It wasn't real, it couldn't have been. It was a ghost. A black ghost. Its arms didn't move. It didn't have eyes but it was looking down at me. My arms awkwardly straightened between its chest and arms. My head tilted to the side to meet Sato's glare. All in the darkness of the warehouse.

"Will you answer my questions, Sato?" I got this random courage to raise my voice at him. It wasn't like any of this was real anyway. This was all just a terrible nightmare that I'm having from fussing at Samuel. 

The grip tightened around my waist. Then the ghost faded slowly. Its unconfirmed gaze still trapped on me. Sato slowly walked up to me. Right at my feet he picked me up with some superhuman strength. My legs involuntarily wrapped around his hips as he walked towards that heinous couch.  

Arriving in front of the couch he just let his body fall with me now straddling him. I put my arms around his neck for support to look down on him. He was now the one looking up at me. He also made his arms comfortable on my hips.

Disgust ran through me with his touch. I didn't have the energy to move. 

"What is it?" He said in a low growl.

"What happened on the mission?"

Silence. Minutes go by with him staring at me in the darkness. "(y/n)," he began, his breath getting unstable. "I knocked you out." 

His shaky breath just to tell me he knocked me out? "What happened after?" I fumed.

"I beat up some guys, had my fun, hid your body, and then level cleared." 

Level cleared? The fuck! I knew he was up to something as soon as he wasn't having 'fun' sneaking in the building. I held my composure on the outside. "Did you get discharged? And how did I get with you?"

"Relax, one question at a time." He got comfortable on the couch, dragging me into him. "I was shot by Terry and discharged. After, I came to get you and took you to Japan. Of course, the officials think you're either kidnapped or MIA."

I gasped as his hands gripped my lower back and forced me closer to him than we already were. "T-then how did you even get me out of America? I'm sure someone would have questioned an unconscious body being carried around!" 

He chuckled. "You were sleeping, not unconscious. I was you're loving husband who carried you the whole way back 'home'." He put so much emphasis on the word 'home.' He wasn't going to let me go.

"Then how long has it been?"

"Over a week."

"And I haven't eaten anything?" I was now getting angry. The adrenaline making its back into my body due to my newfound rage. I put as much force as I could into squeezing his shoulders. He didn't even act like he could feel my aggression. 

"You'll eat in the morning. When we are in a clean place. Get some rest." He took one of his hands from my back and put it on my head. He made sure to push my head into his neck. In following his motions, I could feel his silent breaths.

They comforted and herded me into an uncomfortable sleep. 


July 28, 2022


July 29, 2022

Word Count:



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