41. 𝕀 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥, 𝕂𝕖𝕚.

21 2 0

I fell asleep in our room. I didn't know what else to do. Orulle comforted me into some state that I was able to fall asleep in. If that didn't work I was surely going to ask it to knock me out and just leave me here. But it never got to that point.

The next morning when I woke up, I found that Kei had gotten a little too used to putting his arms around me while I slept. I sighed and slapped his hand. 

"Kei, get up," I said not really being in the mood for being touched. 

He groaned in response. Then he nuzzled his head into my back and I arched forward from it tickling my spine. "Ah," I seethed, thrashing around to get away from Kei. 

He Woke up a little confused. His arms stayed locked around me And I tried turning to him. 

"When did you get so comfortable?" I ask. 

He looks me in the eyes. "What do you mean?"

I looked down to his arms around me and his eyes also followed where I was going. He had a look of realization now. Rushing his hands from around me, he turned around so I couldn't see his flushed face. I put my chin on his neck.

"Kei, you do realize this is how we've been waking up for a while right?" I laughed and turned him on his back. I sat on his stomach and put my hands on his chest. You didn't need to be in a lit room to see how red he was and how red he was going to keep getting. He couldn't escape from me now.

"Wha-" Kei said flabbergasted.

"Kei, Im beginning to think you're not as emotionless as you lead on." I cut him off.

I moved my right hand to his cheek. He flinched and I smiled watching his eyes travel from my thumb, up my arm and neck, all the back to my eyes. 

"Any comment before we have to go?"

His atom's apple bobbed. 

"Let's go Kei, (Y/N)!" Mrs. Yamanaka called.

I frowned. "I guess not."

His eyes began to widen a bit with each move I was making to get off of him and onto the floor. It wasn't like I was grinding on him or anything but still, he is a teenage boy. By the time I was standing on the floor. Kei was covering himself with his hands. I giggled.

It's been a while since I turned anyone on.

"You should handle that Kei. I'll cover for you." I laughed as I ran out of the door to meet Mrs. Yamanaka. 

She was standing by the door and smiled when she saw me. She frowned when she realized it was just me. 

"I forced him to stay in bed because he wasn't looking too well. Hell probably come meet us out here despite that though," I told her. 

We both had a laughed as we walked through the side door to get to the side of the house. She sat down a little plastic bag and began to pick weeds up from the yard. I joined in for a few, only grabbing get ones that looked like what she had previously picked up. I didn't really understand which ones were the weeds. That's probably a major reason why most of my plants died back in America. 

Not too long after we had started, just as I predicted, Kei came rushing out with a blush on the back sides of his cheeks. It would remain there too because of the heat. 

He crouched down to help us, and only 20 minutes since he's been out here, he complains.

"Weeds only grow back when you pull them up. So why not just leave them there?"

"Kei!" I slapped his arm.

Mrs. Yamanaka didn't even look up to say, "Even when you know it's no use, you still do it. That's what it means to be a man."

"Got it," Kei rolled his eyes. 

"Grandma, that was nice."

She smiled at me before getting up and holding her back.

"Ah, my back my back my back."

She hit it a few times with her fist. She began to look around. "Mr. Yoshida must not be feeling well. He's normally out here by now."

Me and Kei looked at each other.

I got up and also looked around. As if me and Mrs. Yamanaka traded places, she got back down to continue with her work. My eyes landed on Mrs. Yamanaka's first neighbors. It all seemed like they evacuated.

"It's not just Mr. Yoshida," I said looking at Kei and nodding to the house.

"Well, it's a hot day today. Everyone is probably just staying inside."

Kei and I both realized that we were being watched. I cursed myself for not realizing sooner as Kei moved quickly to action. He told Mrs. Yamanaka that we should all head inside. Moving closer to Mrs. Yamanaka he was shot through his skull. I immediately called out Orulle to get her to safety. Mrs. Yamanaka started screaming his name and armed officers started to surround us. 

I was the one rolling my eyes now. I wish I had a gun on my hips so badly. They would be so useful in times like this.

I put my hands in the air and looked at the men in their blue uniforms rushing towards us. Kei revived as quickly as the leader of their group could realize Mrs. Yamanaka was a villager. 

"Hold your fire! There's a villager here!" He yelled.

They continued to run towards us. Kei woke up and grabbed Mrs. Yamanaka by her neck. I squinted my eyes at him. What type of asshole does he have to be to pull some shit like this?


November 11, 2023


November 12, 2023

Word Count:



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