14. ℕ𝕒𝕚𝕧𝕖 & 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖

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It took her a while to get used to it but I would let go of her. She eventually hugged me back, probably needing the affection and she let a few tears that she had been holding back from fear fall down her face. She looked at Samuel and stared at him in distrust. 

"So uh, are you really telling the truth? Will you also help Kai?"

Releasing her from my grip I looked up at her. "Who's Kai?" I blurted.

"She looked down and her face scrunched up into something close to resentment. "He's someone dear to me... who doesn't deserve to be wrapped up in Kei's mess!" She shouted the last part. 

"You have my word." Sato lied with a trusting adult grin on his face. 

"You want to know what kind of person my brother is?"

Me and Samuel replied with the same, "Yeah.." but he continued with, "Just tell us anything you can think of."

"Im not just saying this because I found out my brother is an ajin. If I had to describe him in one word... my brother's a jerk."

I noticed Samuel had been doing something very noticeable. He chuckled every time he spoke to make his deep voice seem less intimidating. He did it again. "That's a pretty bold statement. Is there anything else you can remember?"

"Not really. That's about it." She answered, slowly gaining confidence that she was at least in safe hands. Finally succumbing to Sato's manipulation. 

"I see. Thanks. Well then, that's all we need from you." Samuel stood back up with balled fists. 

I immediately called on Orulle who appeared within seconds. Eriko's fear and panic bubbled over with, "What? What are you doing?"

I got in front of her and kicked Sato in the chest. "What are you planning to do with her?" I screamed as Tanaka tried to fight me next. "I easily dominated him. I pinned him to the ground with both of his arms behind his back and broke them. "I told you if you ever touched me again what would happen? Bitch!"

I stomped on the back of his right leg before getting up to snap Samuel's neck. It was in vain as I was too late. He had recovered from my kick quickly and pinned me to the ground. He licked my left cheek and whispered, "Oh, y/n. I love the way you keep fighting till the end."

Even though he was still towering over me, my thoughts were running quickly and I kicked him in the crotch. No man could sit there and act like he didn't get hurt from a blow like that. Sato was no exception. He toppled over holding his sack with both hands. I grabbed Eriko's hand and bolted out of the room. "Who are you!" She screamed.

"Im l/n y/n, your savior." 

"Huh!" her cute little voice shook. She dug in her pockets rapidly. "Wait, Ms. l/n! I left my phone." She whined. I sighed. We slowed down and came to a stop in the hallway. 

I turned around to face her and said, "Do we really have to go back for Eriko? I mean we could get caught. I know both of those guys will recover very quickly, especially the one with the black hair."

I tried to explain in the tone a 14-year-old child would understand but she still huffed and I was stabbed straight through the heart by a familiar-looking ghost. Once again, everything went dark. I might as well start looking up songs that say deja vu because I feel like Im going to be getting it a lot from now on. 

* * *

When I woke up, I was sitting in the back of a car. Stolen. These two criminals wouldn't know the meaning of fitting into society like a normal citizen. Samuel drove through the street with precision and Tanaka sat shotgun.  was in the back alone and immediately thought back to what happened last. 

"Where did you leave Eriko you delusional narcissistic ugly sadist bastards!" I smacked Tanaka across the face from where I was in the back. He growled with a big frown on his face and I soon sat back down when Samuel glance at me. I laughed in victory but I really was feeling the fear of Sato's red irises. 

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that, (Y/n). She is on her way back to the hospital right now," he reassured me. He picked up the phone and dialed Kai's number.

My brain couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. At least they didn't harm the girl. I mean there was really no need to but who knows what they would've done if it was Eriko acting up instead of me? The phone rang a couple of times before starting a voice recording.

"Have you ever seen a black ghost?"

I rolled my eyes from the back of the car when the phone was then transferred into a call. "This is Nagai." 

Samuel laughed his old man's laugh. "I didn't think that you'd answer yourself." 

"Youre ajins, right?" Kei asked. 

"Yes, exactly," Sato replied. 

"Why do you have my sister's phone?" 

"If you want to find out come to the location we tell you. Do you have any transportation?"

The kid on the other end responded, "Yeah."


March 17, 2023


March 17, 2023

Word Count:



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