Anytime - Jayson Tatum

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Do I ever cross your mind, anytime? Do you ever wake up reaching out for me?
-Brian McKnight

Sasha's POV

I was searching around the party for my friend, Kayla, she dragged me here. She said that I needed to get out of the house. She wasn't wrong about that, but I would never admit it to her. It was some celebrities house, and I never cared to even ask whose it was, or how she got an invite.

I bumped into someone, and I looked up to apologize until I saw who it was. Jayson freaking Tatum, the man whose heart I broke. I quickly turn around, and start walking the other direction. He grabs me by my hand and turns me around.

"Sasha, wait!" Jayson says. I look at him, and I mean really look at him. I don't say a word, I just wait for him to speak again. "I was wondering if I would ever see you again. I could never get in touch with you."

"Jayson, look-" I'm cut off by him.

"No Sasha, I deserve for you to at least listen to what I have to say. Don't you think you owe me that at least?" I sigh and nod.

"You're right Jayson, tell me what you have to say. I'll listen with open ears." I did owe him this. I left him with no explanation as to why, and I made sure he could not contact me afterwards.

"You leaving really hurt me, and not only me, Deuce too. I don't know what I did to make you want to up and leave, but I deserved more than just a stupid ass letter. I deserved for you to face me and tell me why you were leaving. If it was something I did then you could have at least talked to me about it." Tears come to my eyes, I didn't realize that me leaving affected him like this.

"Jayson, it wasn't you at all. I don't want you to think that it was anything you did. It was all me, I had my own problems that I didn't want to burden you with. You are a successful NBA player, and you did so good after I left, I thought that I did you a favor. I mean look at you, you were the Eastern conference MVP, and you went to the Finals."

"Yeah, but you were supposed to be there for all of that. I was supposed to celebrate all of those accomplishments with you. I was so stunned when you left, all I wanted was to lay around and not do anything. I'm a father, I have a team that I'm a part of. I couldn't runaway from that like you. I had to work through that while being needed from everyone around me. When I so desperately needed you."

"I am so sorry Jayson. I was going through a lot, it's no excuse but it is the truth. I just couldn't handle being in the spotlight at that time. I should have talked to you and I will always regret leaving you."

"Did I ever cross your mind? Did you ever lie awake thinking about me like I did you?"

"All of the time, so many times I wanted to call you. I would wake up and reach out for you. I knew I didn't deserve a second chance. I knew you deserved better than me. I hope one day you will find it."

"Sasha, I will never find a better fit for me than you. Maybe it's my fault for not expressing that to you, but it was always you. It will always be you." He grabs my hand.

"Jayson, are you sure?" I ask him hesitantly.

"I've never been more sure, but I don't want to jump into anything. I think we should take out time with this, get to know each other again." I nod, agreeing with him.

"That is fine with me." I tell him, just grateful that he would even give me another chance to be a part of his life.

Thank you guys for the votes and reads! It means a lot!! I hope you all enjoyed. 🤎

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