Brown Eyes - Jordan Poole

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I know that he loves me 'cause it's me he trusts, and he's missing me if he's not kissing, and he when he looks at me his brown his tell it so
- Destiny's Child

Destiny's POV

"Do you remember the day we met?" Jordan asks me. I nod, smiling. That would be a day I could never forget.

It was the first day of class at University of Michigan, I was in English 101, setting my things down. Suddenly, an out of breath boy with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen sat beside me. I giggle at him, and continue getting my things out.

"It took me forever to find my way here, my maps was not helping at all." The brown eyed boy breathed out.

"Yeah, from what I heard this building always makes the GPS act up." I say to him, smiling a bit.

"I'm Jordan, what's your name?"

"I'm Destiny."

"Oh, so I was destined to meet you then?" I roll my eyes, but try to hide the smile coming to my lips. "I'll admit, that was lame, but what do you say we go for coffee after class?" He asks, smiling one of the most perfect smiles ever.

"I have a class right after this one, but after that I'm free for a couple of hours."

"Bet, meet me at the Starbucks closest to here." I nod, knowing exactly which one he was talking about.

After my second class, I head to Starbucks. I was hoping that Jordan would be there, he seemed so sweet. I walk in and I see him sitting at a table. I walk up to him and I set my book bag down. He looks up at me and smiles.

"What kind of coffee do you want? It's on me." he asks.

"Oh no, I got it."

"I think I was the one who invited you here, so I'm paying. Now what kind do you want?" he asks again.

"Just a caramel iced coffee is fine." I tell him. I didn't want to tell him my usual order, because it could get a little pricey. He goes to order the coffee and he soon comes back with them. I thank him and I take a sip of mine as soon as he hands it to me. I wasn't always a coffee fan, but it had recently grown on me.

"So Destiny, tell me about yourself." Jordan says as he sits down.

"Well, I'm from Alabama, I'm a virgo, I love music, watching sports, netflix, and the show Supernatural."

"I could definitely tell you were from somewhere in the south." I laugh.

"What gave it away?"

"If it wasn't how you said iced, it was every word before then. Your accent is very thick." I blush.

" I hear that a lot. So, tell me about yourself." I mix my drink a little.

"Well, I play basketball and I'm originally from Wisconsin, but I went to school In Indiana. Oh, and I love animals." He smiles. "But you probably are more interested in football players, being from Alabama and all." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I don't have a type, but I do love some Alabama football. I love basketball too, though, but I'm more of an NBA type of girl. I prefer college football and professional basketball."

"Well maybe I should go try out for the football team then."

"For you, I will make an exception and start watching college basketball." He smiles at that.

"Good, you won't regret it."

He was right, I never regretted it. I got to stare at those brown eyes anytime I wanted to now.

Hope you all enjoyed 🤎

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