I Can't Make You Love Me Pt. 2 - Ja Morant

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Chloe's POV

   I'm woken up by banging on my door. I jump up quickly, feeling my heart racing. I rub my eyes, making my way to the living room. I peek to see who it is.

   "What in the hell is your problem?!" I say as I open the door. Ja is standing there, hands in his pockets. "Someone better be dead, because if not it's gonna be your ass!"

   "You been ignoring my calls."

   "I've had no reason to answer your calls! I told you what we had going on was over. Why are you showing up at my door at this time of the night?" I scream at him.

   "Chloe, stop screaming at me and let me talk."

   "You don't have anything to say worth listening to."

   "Just give me five minutes, it won't even take that long." I sigh, opening the door wider and letting him in. I walk to the couch and he follows me, sitting right beside me.

   "Can you give me a little space?" I tell him.

   "Can you stop giving me so much attitude?"

   "You got three minutes now."

   "Nah, I still got my five minutes. I don't know what kind of renegotiating you thought you was finna do but this ain't that."

   "Go ahead and say your piece before I kick you out!"

   "Okay damn, you were right." I give him a blank stare.

   "About what? I'm right about a lot of things." He sucks his teeth and looks at me with an annoyed look.

   "You were right about me having feelings for you."

   "Ja, why are you doing this? If you had feelings for me you wouldn't have been so careless about my feelings when you left."

   "Why do you think I didn't look back at you? Because if I did I would have never left. I'm gonna be honest with you, it scared me." I look in his eyes and see nothing but honesty.

   "What scared you?"

   "This. Last time I was in love I brought a child into this world and we still didn't work out. It's a stupid reason but to me it made sense at the time."

   "Well you could have expressed that to me instead of being a jerk to me."

   "I have a hard time doing that, Chloe. You're right though, I should have been more open and honest with you. I regret saying what I said and if you're willing to start over and try again then I am too."

   "Start over as in you just coming over and leaving right after?"

   "No, start over as in us actually trying to have a relationship. I want to be with you." I nod slowly, processing what he is saying.

   "Okay, we can start over. But you're not getting any from me."

   "I wasn't trying to, ugly little girl." I shove him and he pulls me into him. I laugh at him.

   "Do you mind if I stay the night though? I won't try anything, I promise."

   "I should kick you out, but against my better judgement I'll let you stay." We head into my room and he strips down to his boxers. We lay in the bed and he was true to his word, he didn't try anything. We cuddled and watched tv until we both fell asleep.


Here is part two for this one! I was gonna make this one explicit but I felt like they should wait to take it there again. I might do another imagine based off them, but it won't necessarily be a part three.

Let me know what y'all think.

As always, thank you for reading! 🤎

Edited to fix a typo that bothered me lol

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