Naked - Jordan Poole*

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Come on baby turn the lights off lets get naked. Come on baby girl, you know I just can't take it.
- Marques Houston

Kiana's POV

"Did you have a good time?" Jordan asks as we stand outside the door of my apartment. We had just finished our fourth date, and I had the best time.

"I had a great time." I say smiling. He smiles back at me, and we stay like that for a while. I decide to break the silence. "Do you want to come inside?" His eyes get a little wide, but he quickly composes himself and nods.

"Yeah, I would love to." I unlock the door and I let him inside. I shut the door behind us and he goes to sit on the couch.

"Would you like some wine?" I ask him. He nods and I grab a couple of glasses. "White or red?"

"White please." I nod and I pour some for him and myself. I hand him his glass and I sit very close to him on the couch. I connect my phone to the speaker and play some music for background noise. I had to admit I picked a certain kind of playlist to set the mood right.

A couple of glasses later and we were both a little tipsy. I started rubbing the back of his neck, and I could tell he was enjoying it. He looked over at me, and started to lean in. I met him halfway, and that was it. He pushed me down on the couch, and got over top of me. He never broke the kiss, just deepened it.

I started feeling for the bottom of his shirt. He got the hint, and he momentarily stopped the kiss and pulled it off. I caught a quick glimpse of his abs before he leaned back down to continue the kiss, which now involved a lot more tongue. He started to kiss down my jawline to my neck, making moans escape from my mouth. He sucked on my neck, no doubt leaving a mark.

His hands start wondering my body, and I feel butterflies with every touch. He stops for a bit, and he just stares at me. A blush comes to my face and I look away from him.

"Don't hide your beautiful face from me." He says, and I turn to face him. His eyes were staring intently into mine, and I found it hard to maintain eye contact with him. "That dress needs to come off of you."

I scoot upwards, so he would be able to unzip the back of my dress. It's not long before he has it off, and I'm left in my bra and panties. I'm glad I thought to put on a marching set, but I had the idea that he wasn't even really worried about them.

He unhooks my bra, and I'm surprised at how effortless it was for him but I don't say anything about it. He massages one of my breasts while he sucks on the other's nipple. I'm a moaning mess at this point.

He pulls off my panties and slings them across the room. He pulls me towards him and rests my thighs on his shoulder. He takes a long and slow teasing lick, and I shudder at the feeling. He chuckles a little bit, but doesn't take long before he goes to work.

He sucks on my clit, which makes me jerk a little. He keeps sucking, and he flicks his tongue over it. I moan loudly, throwing my head back at the sensation. He swirls his tongue, making sure to hit every spot. It wasn't long before I felt myself getting close.

"Mm Jordan, I'm close." I breathe out. He hums a 'mhm' which just drive me over the edge. I cum hard, my body jerking as I do.

"Did that feel good baby?" He asks me. All I could do was nod.

He takes off his pants, and I could see his bulge. I was staring at him in anticipation, waiting for his boxers to come off. When they did, I was left a little surprised, but very excited. He grabbed his condom and rolled it on.

"You ready to do this?" He asks. I nod quickly, I've been ready.

"Good, because no man has wanted anything as much as I want you." He says before pushing himself into me. I gasp a little as I adjust to his size. He thrusts into me at just the right pace, and I can't stop moaning.

"God, just like that Jordan." I moan out. He keeps up his pace, and I tighten my walls around him.

"Fuck." He mutters out, and I could tell that was all it took. He leans down and wraps me up, thrusting a little bit faster. I feel myself getting close again, and I moan out his name. I cum again, even harder than last time. Jordan is soon to follow, and he collapses beside me.

"That was everything I thought it would be." Jordan says breathlessly.

"You thought about it more than once?" I ask, staring up at him.

"Hell yeah, how could I not with your fine ass."

"I thought about it a few times myself." I admit.

"I knew you was trying to get in my pants when you invited me inside." I laugh a little at his words.

"Then we could've got right down to business then. I couldn't wait to get you naked." I tell him, only half joking.

"I wanted to see how you would try to seduce me. You was classy with it, going the wine and sexy music route." I blush.

"It worked didn't it?"

"Damn near anything would have worked."

This was the one I was stuck on lol. Then I got stuck on another one and just decided to try and finish this one lmao. I hope you all enjoyed! 🤎

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