Funny How Time Flies - Desmond Bane*

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"Funny how time flies when you're having fun."
- Janet Jackson

Frédérique's POV

"Desmond, are you sure it's okay for us to be here?" I ask him as we walk into the FedExForum Arena. I finally understood why he suggested me to bring tennis shoes along for our date.

   "Yeah, don't worry about it. I talked to everyone I needed to make sure this was fine. Just don't vandalize anything, you think you can handle that?" He says jokingly. I roll my eyes at him and I sit on the sideline and take off my heels. I put on my tennis shoes and lace them up.

   "So, think you can beat me in one on one?" I ask him, giving me a slight smile.

   "I guess we will find out." He grabs us a ball and we go to the closest hoop to us.

   "Make it and take it? Or how we playing?" I ask him.

   "I ain't gonna do you like that." He says. I laugh.

   "I was asking for your sake, not mine. But let's do this, first to twenty"

   "Ladies first." He says as he goes to check the ball. He passes it to me and starts to guard me. I go to cross him up, and I notice he is barely putting in any effort. I lay the ball up and it goes in.

   "You didn't even try." I call him out. He tries to hide his smirk, but he doesn't do a very good job at it.

   "Yes I did!" I shake my head at him and I check him the ball. He starts to dribble it, doing crazy stuff just to show off. I steal the ball from him, and I step back and shoot it.

   "Oh, so that's how we playing?" He says.

   "You're the one who decided you should go easy on me. Apparently to you, I suck." I shrug my shoulders.

   "Ok fine, I won't go easy on you."

   "Thank you." I go back to check the ball to him again. He didn't lie when he said he wasn't going easy, because he ran right by me and dunked it. I hid the smile fighting to come out, and opted for an unimpressed look instead.

   "What? You didn't like that?" He says.

   "I've seen better." I say as he checks me the ball. I run to the hoop, going for a layup. My dreams were crushed when he blocks it. My mouth drops open, and he starts busting out laughing.

   "I would've gained five hundred fans from the block in 2k."

   "Ha Ha Ha, so funny." We go for about twenty more minutes, and he has sixteen points and I have eighteen. I'm pretty sure he stopped trying again halfway through, but I didn't say anything. I start to post up, and I can feel him against. I know that has him distracted and I waste no time to shoot the ball, and it goes in. I start to cheer and tease him.

   He is just staring at me, not saying anything. I stop suddenly, giving him a concerned look.

   "What's the matter?" I ask him.

   "Nothing, you just look so beautiful when you smile like that." I blush at his words. He comes up to me and cups my face. He leans and places a soft kiss to my lips.

   "Des." I say, barely above a whisper.


   "I think I'm ready, for the next step in our relationship." I say, starting to get a little shy. His eyes get a little big, and he looks me in my eyes.

   "Are you sure?" I nod.

   "I'm very sure."

   "Well, as much as I would love to here, I think our first time shouldn't be on a basketball court." I laugh a little.

   "Yeah, you're right. Your place or mine?"

   "We can go to mine, let's go." We hurry up to his car, and the whole way to his house we are being touchy feely with each other.

   After what feels like an eternity we finally arrive at his house. We make our way inside, and as soon as we walk into the living room he's kissing me. He lays me on the couch, and he straddles me.

   He takes off my top, then follows my bra. He dips down and takes one of my breasts in his mouth, and I moan quietly. He massages the other one with his hand.

   I start to unbutton his shirt, and one by one his buttons pop open. He shrugs his shirt off and throws it across the room. He unbuckles his belt, and undoes his pants. Then he lifts off of me, and slides off my skirt. He rubs over my panties and I moan. He slowly pulls them off, and I groan. He laughs softly and throws them somewhere over his shoulder.

He lowers down to my center, and he kisses down my thighs. He starts to lick and suck on my clit, and it's not long before I'm seeing stars. He starts to massage my hips, which just makes the sensation one hundred times better. I feel my orgasm start to build.

   "Oh good Des, just like that!" I moan out. He keeps going, and I feel myself release. He still licks as I come down, causing me to jerk a little. I pull him and kiss him, tasting myself on him. I pull away, and then start to tug down his pants. He helps me, and pulls them down a little along with his boxers. I bite my lip as I take him in. He is very impressive.

   "Are you ready?" He asks. I quickly nod, wanting to feel his as soon as possible. He tears open a condom and rolls it on. He thrusts into me, and I can't help but for my eyes to roll back. He thrusts at a steady pace, hitting the spot every time. I moan loudly, digging my nails into his back.

   He picks up his pace, and he starts to deeper. I cry out and I clench my walls around him.

   "Shit, Frédérique. You feel so good." He breathes out, which brings me close to the edge again. It's not long before I feel a knot in my stomach, and I become a moaning mess.

   "I'm so close, Des." I moan out.

   "Me too, baby." I finally let go, and he's not long behind me. He lays down and pulls me on top of him. We both lay there and catch our breath for a couple of minutes.

   "That was even better than I imagined it to be." I say, looking up at him.

   "That was amazing." He says as he kisses my forehead.

This was for @multi-culti-girl I hope you enjoyed 🤎

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