Lovers and Friends - Jayson Tatum*

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Jayda's POV

   "Where you at?" Jayson asks me as soon as I answer his FaceTime call.

"Damn, I don't get a hey, how are you?" I say, looking down at my phone.

"Girl, answer the question. And it better not be with no damn Trey either."

"I do not talk to him. I'm leaving the grocery store. Why you want to know so bad?"

"Because I miss my best friend."

"Well if you wasn't stuck up Ms. Ella Mai's ass we probably could've been hanging out." I roll my eyes.

"You're tripping, I haven't talked to her in months."

"Whatever, you don't have to lie to me Tatum."

"I know, I'm being for real."

"Why are we explaining ourselves to each other like we're married or something?"

"Because we should be." I give him a look.

"You must've been sipping on something. You're talking real crazy."

   "Nope, I'm sober. Come over here."

   "You come over, I told you I was leaving the grocery store. I'm not going all the way home to put up groceries and then going all the way to your house."

   "Bet, I'm on my way." He says and ends the FaceTime call before I can say anything else. I just shake my head and put on a true crime podcast before I start to drive home.

   I pull up to my house and I see Jayson has beaten me there. He must've came here on a hundred. He gets out of his car and greets me when I get out of mine.

   "What's up girl?" He asks me.

   "Don't you have a key to get in?"

   "I didn't want to be inside and you need help with the groceries."

   "How sweet of you Jay." I say as I grab some of the bags, leaving the heavy stuff for him. He grabs it with no complaints and brings them inside for me. He sets the bags on the counter and starts to put the groceries away.

   "You are here entirely too much." I tell him, as I put stuff away in the fridge.

   "Why you say that?" He asks as he puts away the last bit of stuff in the pantry.

   "You know where all of my groceries go." I lean against the counter, watching him.

   "I'm just an attentive person."

   "Mmm, yeah that's it."

   "You said that like you didn't mean it." He gets closer to me.

   "No, you just took it that way."

   "So you don't think I'm attentive?"

   "I think you're an attentive father. Anything else? I don't think so."

   "I can show you how attentive I really am." I look up at him, my heart rate picking up as he stands right in front of me, licking his lips.

   "How are you gonna do that?" I ask him.

"Like this." He says before cupping my face in his hands and leaning down. He connects his lips to mine. The kiss starts slow but quickly heats up. I pull back, out of breath.

"Wait, Jayson we shouldn't be doing this." I tell him, putting my hand on his chest.

"Why not?"

"Because we're best friends. Don't you think things will be weird after this?"

"You really think I'm still trying to be just your friend after this?" He says, laughing a little bit.

"Well, how am I supposed to know your intentions?"

"You're thinking about this too much."

"You're right. Did I ruin the mood?"

"Nope." He says before leaning in again. I giggle against his lips before kissing him back. He kisses down my jaw to my neck and I moan lowly. He sucks on my neck, leaving his mark.

He grabs at my shirt, trying to pull it off. I quickly grab the hem of it and I take it off for him. I throw it somewhere across the kitchen and he connects his lips back to mine again. I run my fingers through his hair and tug at it a little. He groans and pulls away. He takes his shirt off swiftly and it joins mine somewhere on the floor.

"Let's get this off of you." He says, popping my bra strap. I laugh and I unhook it. He wastes no time taking my breasts in his hands. As soon as they were in his sight he started massaging them. I moan softly, holding on to his biceps. He takes one of my nipples in his mouth and sucks on it gently.

"Let's move to the bed please." I breathe out. He doesn't say anything, he picks me up effortlessly and carries me to my bedroom. He gently lays me on the bed. He grabs at my shorts and I lift up my hips to help him take them off. He takes my panties off with them and he stares down at me.

"You have exceeded every expectation I had. You are so beautiful." He tells me as he kisses my thighs. I look down at him, feeling myself getting wetter at the image of him between my legs.

"Quit teasing me." I whimpered out. That was all it took and he started to devour me. His tongue swirled all around me but was mostly focusing on my clit. My head falls back and my eyes close tightly. I moan loudly, gripping his hair. My hips start to jerk and he pins my legs down.

"Jayson, I'm about to cum." I say manage to get out. That only encourages him to go harder, and his tongue starts to go faster. I feel myself getting closer and closer. I reach my peak and I can't help but to scream out his name.

"Jayson!" I try to catch my breath as he does little licks on my now very sensitive nub. I push him away and he comes up and kisses me. I kiss him back eagerly, tasting myself on his lips.

"You taste so good." He tells me and i blush a little. I look up at him, and he grabs a condom out of his pocket and opens it up. He rolls it on and pulls me closer to him. I feel my heart beating faster, nervous about his size. He inserts me slow, and I gasp.

"You good?" He asks me. I quickly nod as I feel myself adjusting to him. He starts to thrust slowly, and once he realizes I'm comfortable he picks up his pace.

"Mmm, Jayson." I moan out. He lifts my legs over his shoulders and starts to go deeper.

"Fuck, you feel so good." He moans out. I feel my eyes roll back as he hits my g-spot continuously. I feel a knot growing in my stomach, and I know I'm getting close again. After a few more thrusts from him I feel myself come undone and I moan out. He cums not long after me. He lays beside me and we both catch our breath.

After we cool down a little he pulls me into his chest. I look up at him and he kisses my forehead.

"So, where do we go from here?" I ask him, a little shyly.

"Like I said, I don't want to be just your friend. If you're willing to give this a shot then so am I."

"I definitely am, but you're going to have to take me on a date."

"That's the plan."

I meant to do this request two months ago. I started on it but I couldn't figure out how I wanted to go about it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and sorry about the wait!

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