Chapter 11

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Three days following Mitsuya's birthday marked the last day of school and the beginning of their summer break. There were a few end-of-year parties and dinners, but Aiko declined asking permission for any in case she lost the privilege of attending the only one she was interested in.

Emma wasn't hosting a dinner. And, although the driver would be instructed to drop Aiko at Emma's house, the two were to meet with some of Emma's friends to eat out. Weaving an excuse, in her father's absence, was easy for Aiko as the nanny, Koyuki, was more than naïve.

Naivety wasn't something that Aiko was used to since living with her father, and it somehow felt wrong to take advantage of it in such a way. But, although Koyuki's willingness to believe Aiko did leave her with a slightly bitter taste in her mouth whenever she lied to her, it wasn't enough to deter her from visiting Emma.

Dinner with Emma and her friends was again a new experience since being back in Japan. They were almost opposites of Yui and Ichika. With lots of unbridled laughter, something that Ichika was strongly opposed to, as well as some slightly inappropriate jokes.

"I can't believe you got Baji to fall for you," Mei, one of Emma's classmates said.

"Er, I don't know," Aiko said, not really enjoying the focus of their conversation being her and Baji.

"She's also a little clueless when it comes to Baji," Emma stated. "But yeh, he's got it so bad for her."

"Emma," Aiko whispered, "I'm not clueless, we're just not quite there, yet."

"So, exactly how far have you two gone?" asked Reiko, another classmate.

"Huh? No, we don't ... we're just friends." Aiko's face reddened deeply which sent Emma and her friends into a fit of laughter.

"Well, if he's like any of those other Toman boys, I'm sure it won't be long before he's all over you," Mei said.

"Hey! I object to that, Mei," Emma said. "They're not all girl-hungry freaks."

"We're sure Draken and Mikey are perfect angels," Reiko laughed. "But some of those boys are girl, freaking hungry all day long. Trust me, I know." And then she proceeded to tell a story about her fast-moving, yet short-lived romance with one of the Toman members. A story that it seemed, the other girls had already heard a number of times.

As planned, Baji, Mikey and a few other boys were outside waiting to collect Emma and Aiko after dinner and they left for their usual hangout at the shrine.

The shrine was loud and packed as always, and Aiko exhaled a small breath of air. She had missed the bustle of the Toman gatherings, as much as her initial reason for being there was always Baji, there was some kind of relief that being around them brought her. It was a temporary freedom from the restraints of her life that she felt she shared with each of them as they too sought some type of freedom.

Aiko sat on a wall by Baji as he talked with some of the members of his division about the upcoming week. It seemed delinquent life wasn't all games as they discussed a new gang that were trying to make a name for themselves. They'd already picked trouble with a few Toman members so they needed to be crushed, as they put it, to put them back in their place. Baji's underlings looked on with excitement and admiration as Baji, wearing a much more mature expression than Aiko had come to know him for, instructed them on their movements.

Captain Baji, she thought as she subconsciously reached out to comb her fingers through his hair. My Captain Baji.

Baji pulled his head away slightly as her fingers stroked the top of his head, so Aiko reached forward again only to get the same response. Undeterred, Aiko shuffled closer and scooped a small lock into her fingers.

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