Chapter 14

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Koyuki had stayed on after Mr Murata's return, which gave Aiko some comfort during her confinement. She was a tender woman who seemed to feel sorry for Aiko's predicament and was always offering kind words whenever they interacted.

The night of the festival she had personally offered to help Aiko dress, something which was much needed as Aiko had no idea how to properly wear a yukata, or what to do with her hair once she was wearing one.

Koyuki had also been charged with the task of finding a suitable yukata for Aiko and had chosen a beautiful fading pink colour with pale pink petals scattered around it. Formal wear wasn't exactly Aiko's style, but even she couldn't help but feel regal once she was all dressed and ready. Baji was never far from her thoughts though and the fact that she most probably wouldn't be able to share the excitement with him dampened the feeling as quickly as it appeared.

The plan was to ride in three different cars, children in one and parents split between the other two. So, as usual, Daichi was first in the car and Aiko second.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he said after getting back into the car beside her. "But, if I don't tell you how beautiful you look, I'm gonna think about it all evening."

Aiko gave a small, wistful smile. Daichi would forever be Daichi. If she had come to know him as she did then before she'd met Baji, maybe there could've been a future for them. But as it was now, she only wanted to hear those words from Baji.

"Thanks," she said, to which Daichi responded with a simple nod.

The night went nicely and was actually a lot more fun than Aiko had expected, maybe on account of her having been locked in misery over the last few weeks. It was good to be out again.

The festival was busy, and Aiko saw so many faces from school, all dressed to their best and then, there, in the midst of the crowd, were Emma and Draken.

Aiko tapped Yui and signalled over to where Emma stood. She was surprised how seeing them also lit up Yui's face, but then, she had also become fairly good friends with Emma during their meetings.

Yui was straight on the job of asking her parents if they could all spend a short time at the festival booths, and play some of the games. A request which, since Yui had asked, Aiko's father also agreed to.

On seeing Aiko, Emma immediately grabbed her into an embrace. "It's been so long, how have you been?"

"So, so," Aiko replied.

Daichi had kept everyone informed on Aiko's punishment, so there was no need to explain, but information flow had only been one way. As she hadn't been able to talk to Daichi, she was never told anything about what they were all up to.

Emma had made a new friend named Hina, who she was with that night. Thankfully, she already had a boyfriend, who was also with them, so Aiko needn't worry about her trying to move in on Baji. Although, she was confident that Emma was probably doing her best to keep an eye on him in Aiko's absence. Mikey and the others had other plans that night and hadn't attended the celebrations.

"How's Baji?" Aiko finally asked the main question that had played on her mind since seeing Emma.

"Just keeping himself busy really," she said, with an expression that showed he was less than okay. "He and Mikey did find the gang that attacked you guys and completely wiped them out. That kinda made him happy for a while."

Aiko let out a small laugh. If anything could make Baji happy, beating up a gang of boys would do it.

"Where are they tonight?" she asked, guessing that maybe it was supposed to be a special night for Draken and Emma, but since Hina and Takamitchi were with them it was strange that Mikey hadn't somehow come along too.

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