Chapter 6: Missing.

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"Are you done interrogating me dude?" Robin nodded and left Vance to his Pinball game, he walked over to Y/n at the front desk. "So." Y/n stopped what she was doing and turned to Robin, "So?" Robin glanced back at Vance to make sure he wasn't paying attention, "Vance told me that he doesn't want to stop annoying you in class, and that it's none of my business. In a much more threatening way then you're thinking." Y/n just stood there, "Okay? What am I suppose to do with that, it doesn't change anything." Robin shrugged, "I don't know man, try talking to him yourself I guess. Being a spy is harder than I thought." Y/n laughed and shook her head, "I am not doing your homework for a week when that's the information you got." Robin gave her a fake shocked face, "Wowwwwww." They laughed and moved on, Y/n had decided she would ask Vance, she would ask later tonight at their study session. And Robin has decided that he isn't going to tell Y/n the truth about what Vance said.

6 pm hit and the last stragglers in the store left, leaving Robin, Y/n and Vance alone, again. "I'm just gonna clean up real quick, Vance you have to finish your pinball game." Vance rolled his eyes and ignored her, she went around the store cleaning up a bit then went to the back to change.
Robin walked over to Vance and leaned against the machine, "You're lucky in the few hours you were gone no kids beat your high score." Vance laughed, "No one can beat my high score, I'm in a completely different league than them. It's me against myself at this point." Robin laughed and Y/n walked out of the back room in her normal clothes.
She walked over to the boys and Robin was watching Vance play pinball. Vance glanced at Y/n and ended up staring a bit longer than he meant to, which made him lose. "Awh dude what the hell was that?" Robin shook his head and Vance looked at the screen then hit the side of the machine. "Fuck." Y/n just shook her head and laughed, she walked up to the front counter and grabbed the keys to close up. "I got distracted, I was so close to." Robin and him were staring at the numbers, he was seconds away from beating his high score. "How do you even get distracted during that crucial moment??" Vance turned around and leaned against the machine, watching Y/n. He didn't respond to Robin, Robin followed his gaze to Y/N and just sighed.

"Okay, time to lock up. Let's go." Y/n walked past the boys and walked out the door, they both followed her out. Robin said his goodbyes and then it was just Y/n and Vance. "I gotta go back to my house for a bit, I'll come by yours in like an hour, sound good?" Y/n nodded, "See you then." They walked in opposite directions, Vance looked back and glanced at her again before he turned down a separate road to his house.

Y/n got home fairly quickly, she took a peek into the fridge and decided to go to the gas station to pick up some more milk, the sun was going to set in about 30 minutes and the gas station was only a few blocks from her house so she figured it was fine, she would be back before Vance arrived. On her way there she saw a black van with 'Abracadabra Entertainment & Supplies' printed on the side, before she could walk past, a man with black sunglasses and what looked to be white face paint on, stumbles out from the other side of the van and drops two bags of groceries on the ground, his hat also falling off in the process. He made a big groan and she stopped walking. "Uhm, do you want some help?" The man squatted down and pointed to his fallen hat at her feet, "Can you grab my hat for me, dear?" Y/n did as he asked and bent down, grabbed his hat, and handed it to him as they both stood up. "Ah look at this mess! At least half my eggs broke." Y/n tried to give him a polite smile, though she could honestly care less.

"I am a part time magician, if you couldn't tell by the van. Would you like to see a magic trick?" Y/n almost rolled her eyes, but the man seemed lonely so she said yes. Though, she did find it odd how he was complaining about his eggs being broke to wanting to show her a 'magic trick' in the span of 5 seconds. He started shaking a can and Y/n looked inside the back of his van, she saw a bunch of black balloons.

Now, all she knew about the grabber was that two kids named Billy and Griffin had been taken, quiet recently too. Also, that at both scenes, black balloons were found. "Is that... Black balloons?" She nodded her chin towards his van and he laughed a bit, "Oh, yeah!" He opened the van door and grabbed the balloon strings, Y/n was about to start backing away but he grabbed her and tried to wrap the Balloons around her. She started yelling and she elbowed him in the face, he yelled out and she took her chance to stomp on his foot, attempting to push him off. "Asshole!" She was screaming and he sprayed whatever he had been shaking up earlier into her mouth. His fingers were pulling down on her jaw to keep her mouth open and Y/n bite down as hard as she could on his fingers, he screamed out in pain but quickly regathered himself and he pried her mouth open again and kept spraying the drug. Y/n started feeling lightheaded and as he was trying to push her into the van, she was clawing at his face and kneed his dick. "Get the fuck! Off of.. Me-" She started blacking out and he shoved her all the way into the van, her last view was the black balloons in her face, then the man letting them all fly into the wind before slamming the van door.

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