Chapter 1: New girl

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Y/n L/n wakes up late for her first day of school.
It's the middle of the year, but her dad's job requires him to move around a lot and without her mom, Y/n is forced to go with. They don't have the best relationship, especially after her mom left, but it works.
Y/n wakes up and rolls over in her bed, glancing up at the clock on the nightstand. 10:42 am. "Fuck!" Y/n scrambled to get up and throws her blanket off her, grabbing a pair of black ripped jeans, a dark red band tee, and rushes downstairs. She stops briefly in the bathroom to brush her teeth, piss, brush her hair, and put on mascara. She runs past her kitchen, already had making the decision to skip breakfast, and shoves her black high-top converse shoes on before rushing out the door, quickly locking it behind her. She was late on her first day. "Dumbass." She scowled and mumbled to herself, "How could I have forgotten to set an alarm." Y/n speed walks down streets, not only trying not to trip over her own untied shoe laces, but also barley remembering her way to the school which she had gone over so, so many times. But her barley awake mind wasn't exactly prepared for the sudden rush of movements. She was dizzy and desperately wanted to go back into bed but knew she couldn't.
Eventually she makes it to the school and stops in the front office. The lady slowly looks up at her, "And you are?" The old woman had chapped lips and deep eye bags, Y/n could tell how much she loved her job. "Y/n L/n, it's my first day here." The ancient woman started typing into her computer, "And why are you late, Ms. L/n?" Y/n tapped her fingers on the table in front of her and realization hit her like a brick. She forgot her backpack. Fuck fuck fuck. Well, it was to late now, hopefully since it was her first day not much was expected from her. "Uhm... My dad had just gotten home from the hospital, I was making sure he was okay." The lie spilled effortlessly over her lips. "Mh." The woman made a disapproving noise and Y/n cringed. The lady then took out a slip of paper and wrote on it in a messy cursive than handed it to her. "Give this to your teacher when you walk in. It's a late slip. Here's a map and here's your schedule on paper." Y/n took the things from the lady and thanked her, she looked around the map for her first class and made her way there, she folded and tucked the map and schedule into her back pocket and was fidgeting with the late slip.
When she got to the classroom, she reached a hand to open the door and hesitated for a moment. Y/n took a deep breath and opened the door, instantly about 21 pairs of eyes were on her. The teacher stopped speaking and looked at Y/n with a confused look. "Uh.. it's my first day here. I'm Y/n L/n, sorry I'm late." Y/n walked to the front of class and handed the teacher her late slip, he looked as old as the front desk lady, and just as tired. "Late on your first day I see. Don't cause trouble in my class, if your late again you'll get a detention. I don't care what the reason is, just go sit down in front of Vance." As he pointed at Vance, Y/n looked around the classroom at everyone staring at her, but she noticed one boy wasn't looking at her, he had long blonde curly hair, framing his face and made his jawline look razor sharp, paired with blue eyes, he was wearing a denim jack, a white shirt and denim jeans with a belt and chain on them. Out of all the guys in this class, he was the only one that caught her attention. And he was the only one not looking at her.

 She was confused before a young girl pointed to the seat in front of the boy she had noticed, 'Vance'. Y/n slowly walked to the desk and sat down, most people stopped looking at her but the few that still were, made her nervous. The teacher continued his lesson and the girl that had helped her out was siting to the right of Y/n. The girl tapped on Y/n's shoulder and she looked over to her. "Hi, I'm Tracey." Y/n gave a weak smile and looked away again, clearly not interested into making conversation. But the girl kept speaking, "You're kinda pretty you know. Your hair is so dark it's almost black! But your eyes are such a pretty green. Your hair really makes your eyes pop!" This girl was starting to get annoying. Y/n was hopping she would get some sleep, but with the annoying girl sitting next to her she doubted that would happen. Y/n didn't even respond to the girl, but she obviously couldn't take the hint. "Do you wanna be friends? I'm not very popular but I'm pretty cool. I think you're my new fr-" This Tracey chick had gotten on Y/n's last nerve already, her anger issues were spiking from her annoying voice. "Oh my god, SHUT UP! Take the fucking hint, I don't want to talk to you!" Y/n almost instantly regretted it, everyone's head snapped towards her and so did the teachers. "Miss L/n! That kind of disturbance and language is absolutely not tolerated at this school, I have no idea what your last school-" the teacher kept lecturing her but she was focused on the deep snickering she heard from the guy behind her, she turned around for a second and almost melted. His laugh and smile were so attractive, she had also definitely caught his attention, without even meaning too! Tracey was starting to form tears in her eyes, what a crybaby. Y/n was sorry, but she was tired, hungry, and already annoyed. The teacher was still yelling at her when Y/n got up and said. "I'm not sitting here if all you're gonna do is yell. See you later, old hag." She started walking out and the teacher just got even more mad. Yelling and screaming he looked like he was about to start yanking his already thinning hair out. He definitely does not get paid enough for this.

Y/n was sat in the hallway leaning against the lockers and waiting for the next class to start, she really didn't mean to bring attention to herself but everything that was happening just made her brain overflow which led to her becoming a complete asshole. She had a headache and was leaning against the lockers, closing her eyes to try to dull her pounding head. The bell rang and she stood up slowly. Taking out the papers in her pocket and trying to find her next class, as soon as the hallway started filling, people were staring at her. God only knows how everybody had already heard about the 1st period fiasco.  Some guy wearing a bandana, to hold back his black curly hair, walked up to her, "Yo, I'm Robin. What you did to Mr. Lanchester was pretty funny, what's your name?" Y/n was shocked someone actually wanted to talk to her and not just stare as if she were a flying unicorn. "Y/n. And thanks, the girl next to me was being super annoying, I feel bad but I couldn't take it anymore." Robin laughed, he definitely was attractive too. Y/n was also only 5'4 so basically everyone was taller than her. It was annoying, it made the guys look at her even more, but Robin didn't seem interested in that at all, he seemed pretty chill actually. "'Old hag' is probably the best thing anyone has ever called him. Especially to his face. Well anyways, you probably don't know your way around the school. Want me to walk you to your next class?" Smooth. That was pretty damn smooth. Robin knowingly smiled and Y/n nodded, she handed him her schedule. "Oh sweet, I'm in your next class." They started walking down the crowded hallways, lots of people staring at them, but they both ignored everyone and were talking about random stuff. Where Y/n had come from, their family's, school, classes, the conversation was flowing really nicely. Then, Y/n saw Vance walking on the other side of the hallway, going the opposite direction of them. Robin stopped and so did Vance when they came across each other, they both said hey and started talking, Robin then introduced Y/n to Vance. "Y/n this is Vance, Vance this is Y/n. She's in your first period, so you got to watch what happened. What did that old hag do after Y/n walked out?" Y/n laughed at him using her phrase, that was gonna become a thing. Vance was watching Y/n, talking to Robin but only looking at her. "Oh he was pissed, probably the maddest I've ever seen him. He was pacing back n fourth stomping and eventually called the office after he finished his temper tantrum." Robin laughed again. They said bye to each other and see you later. Then Robin and Y/n continued their walk to second period.

The rest of the day was uneventful, she had 3 out of 7 classes with Robin and 5 out of 7 classes with Vance, and obviously they sat together at lunch. Every class she either was talking to Robin, or trying to ignore Vance's blatantly obvious staring. Eventually though, in 5th period her and Robin were talking when she got called to the principal's office, she got another lecture and a after school detention. This year was going to be a very, very long one.

So I honestly haven't decided who Y/n will end up with yet.. I was thinking about doing a split ending where in one ending it's you and Vance and the other it's you and Robin, or I might end up just choosing one. I'm not sure yet.
I hope you guys enjoy the story though, my updates might be kind of erratic but I'll try my best.
Also sorry if there's a few grammatical errors, I'm trying my best!

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