3 | Business Party

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Adalia POV

"I look like a fucking priss in this dress." I push down the fabric of the sleeveless dress. Don't get me wrong, the dress is gorgeous, but all this for a business party? It's a bit much.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. The door cracks open and Sophie pops her head in.

"Oh, don't you look darling." She says looking me up and down. I smile softly at her.

"Don't you think it's too much?" I say doubtfully.

"Your parents want you to look like the perfect daughter with impossible standards." Sophie groans and I laugh.

"Which is why I'm here to do your hair." She says carefully and I snap my head around away from the mirror.

"My hair?!" My eyes widen.

"They want me to straighten it." She explains. My eyes widening even wider than before.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"I snap. She just takes a seat on my bed. I sigh and she gets the supplies. I don't want to provoke them today. It's been a good day so far. After what seemed like hours, Sophie finishes. My hair is mostly straight with a few very loose curls at the end. I look at my appearance in the mirror and sigh.

This isn't me. This will never be me. This is who they want, not who they got.

"Let's go then." I get up out my chair and walk down the stairs. Since the party already started, everyone turns towards the person interrupting it. My parents look at me and smile.

"You look beautiful hon." Dad smiles. I contain the urge to roll my eyes at the difference from right now and two nights ago. I smile politely at the guests and put on the act.

After my parents had introduce me to I'm pretty sure every rich person in a five mile radius, I finally sat down in one of the living rooms distant from the guests. Truthfully these heels are killing me.

"Hey."Zayn walks in. Zayn is one of my mums biggest clients son. Saying he was hot is an understatement. He had bright green eyes and light brown wavy hair. He was muscular and that jawline...Damn.

"Hi." I smile.

"Having fun?" He asks.

"Not at all. These parties are where my parents make me act like this perfect priss of a daughter, when they know damn well that I'm not." I blow a piece of hair out of my face.

"Well at least we have something in common. Both of our parents are fake." He sighs plopping next to me.

"Well I have just the thing for these occasions." I chuckle humorlessly getting up, closing the living room door.

"Planning on murdering me, Harper?" He chuckles but a bit of seriousness in his voice.

" Of course." I say seriously. His eyes widen and I laugh. His face softens but he was still on edge. I walk over to the closet/ pantry. I pull out a bottle of my father's red wine with a smirk on my face. I place the bottle on the glass table in front of him. I grab to glasses and place them down before sitting.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"17. You?" I shrug taking a sip. I place the glass down and tilt my head back slightly, running my hand through my hair brushing it out my face.

"19." He leans back.

"I just want to forget." I turn on the TV.

"Relatable." Zayn refills his cup.

"Can I ask you something?"I sit with my legs crossed facing him while he focuses on the TV.

"Shoot." He says.

"Do you have a good relationship with your parents?" I gulp. He looks down at his lap and sighs.

"Do any of us actually have a good relationship with our parents They are just a bunch of fake rich people that want the perfect children. All they do is show us off like we're fucking trophies when in reality they barely know us." He snaps.

"True words, Carter." I turn towards the TV.

"Adalia!" I hear my mom shout, footsteps coming closer.

"Shit." I mumble grabbing the wine and running across the room, stuffing the bottle back in the closet. Zayn sits there wide eyed.

"Hide the cup." I whisper yell as the footsteps get louder. The door creaks open and I plop down on the couch. Since I was running, I sort of jumped into the couch when I heard her coming, resulting in me sitting a little to close to Zayn.

"There you two are." She smiles fakely. I fiddle with my dress to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Zayn, dear, your parents are leaving now." She smiles.

"Alright, then. See ya, Harper." He walks out the door. My mother's smile falters immediately.

"One job. You had one job, Adalia. That did not include hiding away in a room with the door closed with my clients son doing God knows what." She snaps.

"We didn't do anything!" I spat.

"Just go." She opens the door widely so I can walk through. I get up and walk out. Why couldn't she just stay away for longer? Can't wait to now see her stupid face tomorrow morning.

As soon as I get up stairs I take off the stupid prissy dress. I throw it carelessly towards the closet and grab my towel. After my shower, I try to get my curly hair back. Which was a process. I put on a white tshirt and a pair of loose black shorts. After about two hours of playing with my hair, it was back to it's normal self.

I sit down on my bed just admiring the room. One particular picture stands out to me as it sits in the nightstand next to my bed. It was a picture of me and my parents when I was younger when we went to a carnival in town.

Nice times. Times no longer.

I lay back on my bed staring at the maroon ceiling, alone with my thoughts. My parents are leaving tonight as soon as every guest leaves. Not much of a surprise though. Is it bad that I actually want them to leave?

I reach over the bed and turn off the lamp, leaving the only light in my room from the moon outside. Giving it a luminous glow.


Short chapter but this was basically a filler chapter. Not much was supposed to happen because this is just to add up to what's going to happen.

Anyway for the question of the day

QOTD: If you could live anywhere where would you?

I actually don't know sooooooooo...


                          XOXO gossip girl

Just kidding, Red.

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