Chocolatechip Cookies (TaylorxBen)

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Taylor pov:

Ashlyn and I went out for a bit today. We went to the cinema to watch the latest horror movie then we went out and eat.

We chatted for a bit and had a great time. Ashlyn is very hard to talk to at first, but when she gets used to you, she is very easy to have a conversation with.

We didn't stay long since we had to stop at Aiden and Ben's place.

Ashlyn is not so easy to read, but I could tell that she was excited to spend some time with Aiden. Though, I couldn't blame her since they were now officially together.






When we arrived, Ashlyn knocked and opened the door since she knew that it was already unlocked. Aiden was standing next to the kitchen counter while Ben was in the kitchen mixing something in a bowl.

Ashlyn instantly jumped into Aidens arms and planted a kiss on his cheek. This caused both me and Ben to chuckle since we are not used to seeing Ashlyn so clingy and excited.

Once we properly greeted each other, Ashlyn and Aiden went upstairs, leaving me and Ben alone. "Hey Ben, whatchu making?" I asked as I walked closer to him. He bashfully grabbed his phone from his pocket and typed out "chocolatechip cookies".

"Would you like any help?" I asked, he looked at his phone again and typed "Can you get the tray and pan spray for me please?" I nodded and went to the cabinet to grab the spray and I took the tray. I then sprayed the tray and handed it to him.

He added the batter onto the tray and he placed the cookies in the oven. He signed me to come and sit on the couch with him while he waited for the cookies to bake.

Ben Pov:

I wanted to talk to her for a bit while the cookies where baking, so I signed her for us to go in the living room to seat and talk.

I grabbed my phone and texted her on our private chat. "So, I heard you and Ashlyn went out today, how was it?" She didn't waste any time and started telling me about her day with Ashlyn.

She told me that it was fun and they both had a good time. She always has the most energy and knows exactly how to bound with people.

Taylor is very admirable and cute. She is nurturing and caring to everyone around her, and she is not afraid to get her hands dirty every now and then just to help others.

When everyone was too scared to bring up anything about my past, she spoke up and appreciated my gesture. She made me feel heard for once. Making me fall more and more for her day by day.

"Ben?" I heard a voice which snapped me out of thought. Taylor watched me in confusion. I didn't even realized that I was staring at her. God I was embarrassed. I felt my face burning up as I tried to look the other way.

She probably picked up on what was happening. She gently grabbed my face and placed a kiss on cheek.

After she did that, we both looked at each other in pure disbelief. Her face started to turn dark red as she processed what she did. I grabbed my phone and typed out "Do u like me?", but I hesitated to send it to her. After a few seconds had passed, I finally sent it.

She watched her phone then opened my massage and I swear that she looked just like a tomato when she read what I texted. She looked up to me and softly nodded her head.

A silence passed through the room. I didn't know what to say, or do. Then I thought for a bit and I realized what I should do. I looked at her, and gave her a kiss on the check like she did. She stared at me and smirked a bit.

"So I'm assuming that u like me back?" She said knowing full well what was happening. I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded yes.

We stared at each other for a bit, we were leaning closer to each other little by little. Then our lips met and we kissed.

I never thought that I would have a chance with such a beautiful girl like Taylor. But here I am, my arms now wrapped around her waist while kissing her. It felt like a dream. A dream that would last forever.

After a few seconds passed, we pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. She looked at me with wide eyes and a big smile was slowly appearing on her face. She quickly leaned in and hug me while giggling uncontrollably.

This cute act also maked me laugh as well. I hugged her back then fell backwards onto the coach, placing us in a cuddle position. We stayed like this for a little while until it was time check on the cookies.





Taylor Pov:

After he placed the cookies to chill, we snuggled next to each other as we watched some TV for a bit.

He may be queit, but he is a very nice person to be around. He is not like other boys, but that is one thing that I love about him.

He is so kind and caring. He stayed by my side when I needed it the most. He was my shoulder to cry on, my friend to talk to, my strength when I was weak. When everything was going down hill and I didn't have Tyler, he was there for me.

I don't know what the future has in stored for us, but I want to be there for him and love him through every step of the way. Both in the real world and in the phantom world. Just like how he did for me.

I really enjoyed today. I haven't had this much fun in years. I spent time with my bestie and I finally told the boy that I liked for so long that I like him. Today was beyond amazing. However, all good things must come to an end.




Ben pov:

Ashlyn and Taylor were getting ready to go. They already had some of the cookies, but I wanted to give Taylor some more to go home with since she was the main reason that I made the cookies. Aiden told me that Taylor and Ashlyn were coming over after their little outing.

Tyler told me earlier this week that Taylor loved chocolatechip cookies, but would always somehow burn it when she made them. So I decided that I would make some as a little treat for her. She enjoyed them earlier, so I think she will be glad that I gave her some more to go home with.

I placed some of the cookies in a container and typed out what I wanted to tell her. In the massage, I told her why a baked the cookies and how happy I was today because of her. I sent it before she left and I walked towards her with the container cookies.

She read the massage and a wide smile creeped onto her face. She rushed towards me, hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks Ben, and honestly, I feel the same." I looked at her and became a bit flustered.

Aiden and Ashlyn were watching us with a "I knew it" smile on their face. We then realized that we did the same thing as them earlier on. This made us chuckle a bit at the realization.

Taylor pov:

Before Ashlyn and I left, I took the cookies from Ben and gave him a little peck on the lips and told him and aiden bye. As we walked out, I looked at the container and started reflecting on today. Realizing that today turned out way more better than I even thought. Honestly I wouldn't trade today for the world or these cookies.

Thank you so much if you reach this far.🥺💖
I haven't seen any Ben x Taylor fanfics so I decided to start off with them.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one shot and I hope you look forward to my other works.

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