Hearing is caring (AshxAid) [part 1]

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Lily's birthday party was held at the graveyard as planned. The party was going well and everyone was having a good time. Everyone except for ashlyn.

The music was too loud for her (even though it was not as loud as they wanted it to be) and the talking only made it ten times worst. She tried to bare it for the sake of lily and everyone at the party, but she couldn't. She was already having an annoying day due to her sensitive hearing acting up more than usual and the party was not helping at all.

Ashlyn eventually sat behind one of the schoolbuses hoping to be able to hide the frustration and agony that was on her face. Everyone was in their own world so she figured that no one would noticed that she's gone.

She sat on the cold, dusty ground for a while, trying to calm herself a bit. As she was beginning to calm down, she felt a light touch on her shoulder. She flinched at the touch and looked up to see that it was Aiden. "Hey Ash, you good?" he asked as he sat next to her. "Yh.....kinda." she replied, she didn't want to tell him what was going on because she didn't want anyone to worry about her. "Kinda? Come on, wats going on?" Aiden tried to get her to talk. She didn't want to tell him, but knowing Aiden, he wouldn't let it go even if it meant forcing it out of her. She was debating in her head whether or not to tell him, when suddenly the silence was broken by Aiden voice.

"Is it the noise? If you want I can bring you inside and tell them that you forgot to do something." By the sound of Aiden's words, Ashlyn was breathe taken by how caring he was. Not only did he offer to bring her to a quiet area but he also wanted to help her to escape the party without anyone knowing her situation. It felt like aiden had known exactly what to say to her. She felt little butterflies in her stomach and her face turned a light red. In response to his question she only nodded her head. He helped her up and they began to quickly walk to the gate.

"Where are you guys going?" Emma asked, stopping the hurrying teens. "Ash forgot to do her homework." Aiden stated while attempting to hide the exhaustion on Ashlyn's face. "So I'm just gonna keep her company till she's done." Emma could tell that something was off, but she didn't bother to stop them since she didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to her daughter who she knows too well. "Ok then, but come back before we start the happy birthday song, alright?" The two nodded and ran to the house.

Aiden and Ashlyn decided to stay in the house for at least 30 minutes. Just enough time for Ashlyn to pull herself together. She went to the kitchen and took some pain killers from the cabinet in hopes that the pills would help with her throbbing head. She went to the living room to see what aiden was doing. To her surpise, aiden was laying on the coach with little expression on his face. He looked like he heard something bad had happen to someone that he loved and he can't get over it. Like how you feel when you see something bad happen to your favourite character in your favourite show.

"So, do you feel better now?" the blonde queried without directly watching the red head. "Not really, but the pills might kick soon." She answered while sitting on the other couch. "Why, you wanna go back already?"

"Nope, just wanted to see if the less noise helped a bit" he responded while sitting up on the coach now directly facing her. "Anyways, what do you want to do right now?" She thought for a minute, she didn't know what they could do to pass the time for the meds to kick in. "Don't know, maybe cards?" She suggested. He looked up at her with a small smile. "Then cards it is."






Aiden and Ashlyn spent some time in Ashlyn's room. It was already about 30 minutes since they went inside and they were just chilling and playing gold fish. "I think we should go back before they get suspicious." Ashlyn stated while putting her cards down and sitting up from the floor. Aiden looked up with a concerned smile "Maybe, but are you sure you wanna go back to all that noise?" He questioned her. Ashlyn didn't want to answer him since she didn't want to go back but she also didn't want to miss the party for lily. As she was about to answer him, she felt a grab on her hand. "If anything, I'll tell them we got distracted." He said to her while gently pulling her back to the floor.

Ashlyn felt the same butterflies from earlier forming up in her stomach. She could feel her face turning hot from blushing so much. Aiden didn't let go of her hand and the longer they held hands, the hotter and brighter Ashlyn's face became. She never really had feelings for anyone. She always thought that romance was pointless and crushes were just an elementary joke. But now, she was really starting to regret having that mindset. Because now, she finally started to understand what love was.

Aiden was deep in thought. Not even realizing that he was still holding Ashlyn's hand. "Um...Aiden?" Ashlyn spoke, causing Aiden to look up quickly and snap back into reality.

"Can you...let go please?" She softly asked. Aiden quickly but gently pulled his hand back while blushing from cheek to ear. "S-sorry." He stuttered. "It's fine." Ashlyn said while trying to hide her completely red face by turning her head . "Do you wanna play a game?" Aiden asked, "It's a game that I use to play to get to know the people." Ashlyn was somehow intrigued by this, "what's the name?" She asked, he smiled and stated, "Question or statement."

Fun fact:

Question or statement is a game that I made with my male bestie. While writing this part it came back to mind and I decided to use it. But anywho, this chapter might have 1 more part or I might separate it depending on the length, hope u enjoy! Love y'all🥰
Ps: part 2 will hopefully be up tomorrow or Sunday

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