Ballet Partner (AshxAid)

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FYI: In this fanfic they are not together as yet. So they are not gonna be as lovey dovey as they were in my previous works. 

      Ben and Aiden were at Ashlyn’s place. Taylor was at the hospital with Tyler and Logan was running some errands with his grandparents. The boys and Ashlyn's parents were playing cards when Ashlyn walked down the stairs. “Mom, can you do my hair?” she asked while putting her bag on the sofa. “Sure hon, give me a sec.” her mother replied while placing her final card down, indicating that she won the game. “Ok, let's get you fixed up.” The three guys groaned as they placed all their cards down. “Well that was a good game.” Aiden claimed while getting up and stretching, “Since Ashlyn is leaving soon, I think it's best for me and Ben get going.” “Wait, I thought you guys were coming along?” Mike questioned as he gathered all the cards together. “We would, but Ashlyn probably wants to go alo-” “I don't mind” Ashlyn stated, cutting Aiden off. The boys and her parents looked at Ashlyn dumbfounded. “Wait what?” “What? You guys don't have anything to do right?” She asked “ So you guys can tag along… if you want.” “OF COURSE WE WANT TO.” he yelled, making Ashlyn wince in pain. “Aiden don't make me change my mind.” 






    After a ten minute drive, they finally got to the studio. Aiden and Ben looked around the studio as Ashlyn was unzipping her bag. As Aiden continued looked around, he spotted a lady across from the the room. The lady was doing some stretches while holding onto the railing. She had blonde hair that was kept in a well slicked bun and navy blue eyes, similar to that of Ashlyn's mom. She wore a violet dress that had a slit to the side, black leggings and black glossy ballet flats that compliment the entire look. 

Ashlyn went over to greeted her ballet master.  Soon after, they walked over to the boys so that Ashlyn could introduce them. “Miss Francesca, this is Ben and Aiden.” Ashlyn explained while gesturing who is who. “Guys this is Miss Francesca, my ballet teacher.” “Nice to meet you ma'am.” Aiden said while Ben nodded in response.  “The pleasure is all mine, Messieurs.” She responded with a gentle smile and her very noticeable french accent. “Ashlyn dear, get your shoes on and let's begin.” 





After a few stretches and making sure that her lase was secure, Ashlyn was finally ready to begin her class. Ashlyn began her warm ups and did some exercises. While Ashlyn was dancing with her ballet master, Aiden and Ben were sitting from the corner of the room watching from afar. Ben held his sketchbook on his lap as he sketched Ashlyn and her instructor. Aiden on the other hand was watching with full attentiveness. So much so that he was no longer fiddling with his rubix cube that he was solving earlier. All he was paying attention to was Ashlyn and how graceful she looked. 

  Ashlyn could not see him looking at her since her back was turned, however the instructor was facing him. Miss Francesca noticed Aiden’s staring and stared back. When Aiden realized that she was looking at him, his eyes peaked down and he suddenly got the eager to fidget with his rubix cube again. The lady looked closer at the boy and noticed that he was blushing, like visibly red kind of blushing. She smiled a bit as she got an idea to confirm something that crossed her mind . 

“Mademoiselle, do you mind calling your friend over?” she questioned stopping her stances. “The blonde one.” Ashlyn stopped and looked confused but she followed her teacher's request. Ashlyn knew that her instructor was sometimes a bit mischievous. Don't get her wrong, she adores her teacher for her skills, but she could be a bit too playful at times. “Aiden, come over a minute.” she called out to the boy. Aiden was sweating buckets, he thought that the teacher was about to kick him out or something. When Aiden came over the teacher had a small cheeky smirk that Ashlyn recognised. “Do you two mind if you perform a dance together?” Francessa queried the two while placing  her right hand on her chin and the left supporting her head. “Huh?” they both replied in disbelief, “But you told me that I don't need a dance partner right now.” Ashlyn stated with pure shook in her voice. “I did, but that was before I met this young man.” she gestured her right hand towards Aiden. “You trust him, do you not?”

Ashlyn was taken back by that question, she did trust him, a lot actually. She trusted him the most in the group. But for some reason she was nervous with the idea of dancing someone, even if it was him. Yah they have danced before, but they didn't have to be so….. close or touchy. She looked over at him and though he had his normal smile on his face, she could tell that he was as nervous as her. She had to admit, dancing with him was better than dancing with a complete stranger….. Ashlyn caved in and looked at the instructor. “Ok fine, let's get this over with this.” 





Miss Francesca went over the basics with Aiden. Mostly how to hold Ashlyn and how to spin her around. She also had to remind Ashlyn of how to twirl without accidentally kicking Aiden in the crotch or elbowing him in the face (this maked the teens even more nervous than they previously were). The two got to their stance and started the ‘lesson’. Aiden held Ashlyn by the waist, causing her to flinch at first, but then quickly getting back to a calm state. She twirled and surprisingly, she didn't hit him in the crotch or face. They did a few more twirls before Ashlyn ended the dance with a 4th position releve. The two paused and looked at each other for a moment, Aiden looked completely stunned at Ashlyn. Her looks, her dancing, her confidence, her everything. Ashlyn gazed at him, and she had to admit, she was impressed at how well he was at this. It made her happy and nervous at the same time. The butterflies in stomach made her conflicted about whether or not she was actually starting to fall for this guy or if she ate something bad before class. Their gaze was interrupted by none other than the queen of master plans. “Oh love birds, I didnt say to stop, now did I?” the instructor asked with a provoking grin and her hand hovering her mouth. Ashlyn and Aiden turned completely red at the teacher's remark.“MISS FRA-” Ashlyn was cut off. “Hush hush, now try it again.” 

Finally at 4pm, classes were over and they could go back home. The boys stepped out of the studio while the ladies were packing up and chatting. “So, about your friend…. he is quite the charmer is he not?” Francesca queried as she placed her speaker in her bag. “I guess.” she replied with no visible smile, but a light shade of pink on her cheeks. “You are aware that boy likes you right, madmoizelle?” Ashlyn stopped and questioned her advisor. “Do you really think so?” Her teacher sat next to her and placed a hand on her knee. “Eyes don't lie, and his eyes twinkle when they meet yours.” Ashlyn looked at her with a ‘really’ face, but deep down she was a bit comforted with that statement. “Miss, that is so cheesy.” Ashlyn said with her little cliche smile. “Yes, but I know love, I see it and speak it eh?”  they both giggled as they continued to pack their bags.

Ashlyn Pov:

Mom came to pick us up. To be honest I kinda enjoyed dancing with Aiden, minus the anxiety we both had. Nevertheless, I was dog shit tired. Can't say the same for Aiden though, cause he still had energy to talk the entire time. This is the guy I'm falling for? I was taken back into reality when a voice called my name. “ Look Ash!” I looked over at Aiden's phone and saw a picture of a ginger cat and a golden retriever snuggling together. “They look like us, dont you think?” he asked with the biggest grin and the same twinkled eyes from earlier. “They do.'' I turned over as fast as I could so that he couldn't see my flaming red face. I see what I see now.

Authors note: 

Ok so i want to start off by saying…... THANK YOU, so much to all of you who have been reading and supporting my work for the past year plus now. You guys have no idea how happy I was when I saw how much love I got from the oneshots. Yallalmost made me bawl in class ;^;

As I've stated before, since I started my last year in highschool i haven't had the motivation or time  to work on anything, not drawings nor fanfics. Now that I'm done and in college I thought that I would have started to get back into my work but it's been harder to be motivated to do anything.

Now I'm not saying all this to make you guys feel sorry or anything, I'm just saying this so that you guys understand why I haven't been posting for a while. I could go on and on about why i'm on ‘hiatus’ but we here for fun time not long time.>:> 

(Also don't want to officially go on hiatus cuz im afraid that i will never come back😅)

Anyways, I can remember saying the next fanfic was either a benxtaylor or a logenxtylor but I sadly don't have much ideas for the 2 ships. Plus this fanfic just came out of the blue for me. So imma need some ideas from you guys so that i know or have an idea of what to write for you all. 

As always, I hope you have a great day or night and see you in the next oneshot.🩷


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