Hearing is caring (AshxAid) [part 4 final]

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A few hours passed. The party was now toned down and the adults were all chatting. The group were relaxing and talking as well. Ashlyn and Aiden didn't want to make their relationship status public as yet so they decided to not say anything when they got back. Even though the others asked why they were inside for so long, they refused to tell them. Eventually, the group decided to go to the bus to talk a little more privately before the shift.

They spoke about the phantom dimension and what they should do the next night. After the discussed their plan, they started to talk about random stuff. "So, what were you two really doing inside of the house?" Taylor asked the two with a little cat smile, "The homework today wasn't that long." The two tried to stay as subtle as possible. The group had suspicions for quite a while about their feelings for each other. Tyler and Ben found it very annoying how obvious it was that they like each other, but never picked up on it, whereas Taylor and Logan found it cute and kinda entertaining.

"Maybe they were making out or something." Tyler bluntly said while looking at his phone. The two looked Tyler, then glanced at each other, quickly before looking away in different directions. The rest of the group looked at them with a surprised expression. "OH MY GOOOOOOOD" Taylor shouted, almost alerting the adults. "I know you guys liked each other." She was so excited and happy and them. "Well it was obvious for while now." Tyler said under breath. "Wait, wat?" Aiden asked with a confused smile. "We were that obvious?" Everyone except for Ashlyn looked at Aiden with "wow really" face. "T-to be honest, you guys were a little bad at hiding it." Logan said nervously.

"A little?" Tyler asked while putting his phone down to looked at Aiden and Ashlyn, "You guys were terrible at hiding it." Aiden looked at him and pouted at his comment. "You're one to talk." Aiden told the ill tempered boy, while looking over at Logan. "Shut it asshole!" Tyler said, starting to get irritated. And in least than no time, Aiden and Tyler were yelling at each other. They fought for a bit, but was stopped by a sound of held back laughter. This laugh was not coming from anyone, but Ashlyn. Everyone paused for a moment to look at her. She tried to hold her laugh in, but she successfully failed. She burst out into a laugh which causes everyone else to try and hold their laugh, but failing to hold it in like she did. They all laughed and and continue on with the rest of the night by talking and teasing Aiden and Ashlyn about their now developed relationship.

Later on that night, they shifted to the shadow dimension. They all decided to take it easy for the time being and just hang out. Tyler was talking to Logan inside of one of the buses and Ben and Taylor were talking next to the jeep. Ashlyn was sitting on the edge of the wall. She was watching the phantoms while reflecting on today and how it turned out. She was lost in thought, but was cut off by the sound of foot steps. "Hi ash!" Aiden greeted her before sitting down next to her. "Hi Aiden." She responded with a small smile. "Watchu doing?" Aiden asked while swinging his legs. "Just thinking." She replied.

The two sat in silence for a moment. They glanced down at the phantoms which were looking back at them. They sat there taking in the somewhat weirdly calm atmosphere. Aiden and Ashlyn never thought that their relationship would go so far, but it did somehow. They finally had the chance to move forward together.

"Um Aiden...." Ashlyn broke the silence. "Yeees?" The boy answered. "Um...I just wanted to...." She said but took a pause, she then took a deep to finish her statement. " To thank you for today." Aiden was a bit confused by her statement since he didn't do much in his opinion. "For what exactly?" He asked, " For helping me today....I wouldn't have made it through the rest of the party without your help." She said while placing a hand over of his. Aiden looked at Ashlyn with a smile of comfort and pure happiness. He was so glad that he was able to help her with her situation.

From the time that he saw Ashlyn on the bus, he knew that something was bothering her. The way that she spoke, her tone, the unusual limited words and her body language, he know that something was up. Even at the beginning of the party, she looked stressed and unwell. He hated seeing the girl of his dreams upset. So when she walked off to the other side of one of the buses, he waited to give her a moment to herself before going and check on her. He wanted to make sure that she was comfortable, that's why he stold when it was time to go back to the party. This boy was really for this girl.

"Anything for you, my lady." He charmingly said while picking up her hand and giving it a kiss like a prince. "My lady?" Ashlyn asked in confusion as she tried to hide the flattery on her face. "Don't be cheesy Aiden." It's funny, Ashlyn can remember being repulsed whenever Aiden got too close or even dared to touch her, but now she was blushing due to a silly kiss on the hand from this same boy.
She never thought that she would ever like him, but here they were showing their love for each other.

"Oh and about our da-" Aiden spoke, but then realized that Ashlyn was looking a bit drowsy. "Umm, you wanna talk about it tomorrow instead?" Ashlyn nodded, they went down from the edge to the bus near the edge. They sat down with their back facing the wall. Ashlyn snuggled one of Aiden's arm as she started to fall asleep. "Goodnight Aiden." She mumbled out. Aiden looked at her with a heartwarming smile before give her a soft peck on her forehead, "Good night, my love." They both drifted off to sleep, knowing that they were finally together as the way as they should be.

Here is what I promised, the final part. This story was actually supposed to be the first oneshot of "Schoolbus graveyard ships", but I decided to take more time to work on it. Hope u all enjoyed and thanks for reading this story.🥺❤

Won't be updating as much since I'm starting my last year of highschool, but if I get the sudden spark to write oneshots, then I might surprise yall.(no promises😅)🤗 Thanks again and appreciate every single one of you❤️ Enjoy the rest of your night or day. 👋✨

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