Insomic (Aiden x Ashlyn)

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It was 1:00am and Aiden couldn't sleep for shit. He suffered from insomnia since he was young, so you'd think that he would have gotten used to it by now.....well lately he has been annoyed by it. He has been a lot more tired than usual (mostly due to the phantom dimension) and he was becoming way more restless and agitated than he would like to be.

He tried a lot of different ways to tire down to the point of rest. He tried using music, boring videos, workouts, sleeping pills and even meditation. Not a single thing worked. He was beyond fed up. He couldn't wake Ben up, because Ben himself was also exhausted (also due to the work of the phantom dimension). He wanted to text Ashlyn, but he didn't want to bother or wake her at such a late hour. He was in a battle in his head and he felt like he was gonna lose.

Aiden was about to give up and just stare at the ceiling till dawn arrived when suddenly, his phone buzzed. He looked at his phone and saw that it was a text from Ashlyn.

The biggest smile creeped onto his face, not because of the message she sent, but by the fact that it was from her.


: Are you up?


Yup yup, what's up princess?


: Don't call me that.


Ohk Ash, y are u up?


: Just bored. Can't sleep

: so I wondering if you

wanted to come over?


Aight then, I'll be there.


In about 20 minutes, Aiden arrived at Ashlyn's place. He climbed from the roof of the porch to Ashlyn's bedroom window. It was a bit more difficult than he expected, but with the little energy that he was running on, it shouldn't have been a surprise.

When Aiden arrived at Ashlyn's window, he noticed that it was already opened for him. Before he entered, he saw that Ashlyn was in a scorpion handstand position while listening to music. He was a little spooked by this, solely because he did not expect to see Ashlyn in such a pose in the middle of the night.

When Ashlyn realized that the blonde finally arrived, she broke from her position, got up and sat on her bed. Aiden got out from the window and closed it before sitting next to Ashlyn. They stayed in silence for a few seconds until Aiden spoke. "Sooooo, what do you want to do Ash?" Aiden asked while swinging his feet, "I don't know, wanna watch a movie or something?" She suggested. "Yaaaayyyy. Can I pick one?" He said in excitement while pouting like a little puppy. Ashlyn couldn't resist chuckling at his cute remarks. "Alright alright." Though she was happy to see him so excited, she knew that something was off. She wanted to ask him about it, but she wanted to let him have his fun for a little while longer.

Some time passed and they were laying on Ashlyn's bed as they watched a movie on her phone. The phone was on the wall and they laid on their stomachs next to each other. The two were talking while the movie was going on. "So, you're gonna tell me what's wrong?" Ashlyn asked. Aiden looked at Ashlyn's head, "What do you mean?" he nervously asked. Ashlyn got up and looked Aiden in the eyes. "Aiden cut the shit, why did you come here at this time?" The red head sounded a bit annoyed at this point. "Because I was bored and I wanted to see you?" Aiden tried to be slick, but was rather intimidated by Ashlyn's sharpened glare.

Aiden was planning on just changing the subject, but he knew that he would be scolded or ignored by her if he did. Besides, he couldn't keep up his wake composure much longer. "Fine..." he sighed, "I came here since I couldn't sleep." "Do you ever sleep?" Ashlyn asked in a joking tone. Aiden giggled a bit before his smile slowly went down to a faint one, barely appearing on his face.

When Ashlyn noticed the sudden change in Aiden's facial expression, she gazed at him with worried eyes and cupped a hand on his check. She took a closer look at him and noticed that his eye bags were way darker than usual. She knew for a while that he had insomnia, but it never affected his ability to be cheerful and energetic. She realized that for a while now that he was hiding his struggles from everyone, even from her. "You want me to help you fall asleep?" Aiden held the hand that she had on his cheek and nodded his head in response. "Though I have to warn you, I tried everything." He said while getting up to switch to a sitting position. Ashlyn wasn't sure of what to do, but after a little thinking, she remembered something. When she couldn't sleep as a kid, because of her sensitive hearing, she would lay her head on her mother's lap and her mom would caress her head until she fell asleep.

"Hey Aiden, can I try something?" She asked the blonde. "Sure?" he responded, rather confused than curious. "Lay your head on my lap for a minute." she requested while patting her lap. Aiden's face turned a little red as he heard what Ashlyn said. Even so, he did not protest against it and did as she said. He rested his head on her lap and closed his eyes. Ashlyn began caressing his head while humming a lullaby. Though her mother never hummed for her, she did it for Aiden since he did not like the quiet. She did this to ensure that he stayed calm and to prevent him from being restless.

As she continued to stroke his hair, he started to feel less tense and more relaxed. His wide awake eyes started to gently close after each time that Ashlyn patted him. He wasn't really able to explain how he was feeling or why he suddenly started to doze off, but if he had to guess, he would say that he and comforted. Maybe even nostalgic. Like back to the times when he was young and his mom and dad would hold him until he slept. Whatever the feeling was, he was starting to fall asleep and that was quite a break through for him.

After about a couple minutes, Aiden finally and thankfully fell asleep. Ashlyn knew that he fell asleep in the first few minutes, but she wanted to be sure that he was fully asleep before she moved. Plus, she was enjoying the cute view that she was getting from her sleeping boyfriend. Some much so that she even took some pictures of him sleeping. When she was finally satisfied with her gazing, she dragged Aiden a bit high to the bed, so that he would sleep more comfortably. She dragged herself up and pulled her sheets to cover them both before laying next to him. The red head gazed at him one last time before giving him a little kiss on the head. "Good night Aiden, sweet dreams." she whispered before removing her ear plugs and drifting off to sleep.

Author's note:

Hi, I know that I said that I would have posted earlier this month, but for a while I wasn't really in the mood to write. And due to the story being posted before its time, I kind of lost hope in finishing it. However, I wanted to try and finish at least one more story before I start college in the next few days.

I wish I could say that I will still write, but I don't like making promises. So whenever I post for you all I hope that would be ok.

I had another oneshot of Aiden and Ashlyn and it was supposed to be an angst, but I don't think that I can work on it right now since it's very detailed. So the next oneshot might be about Ben and Taylor or Tyler and Logan (still not sure though)

But anyways thank you for reading and i hope that you have a wonderful night or day.🩷

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