Hearing is caring (AshxAid) [part 2]

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"Questions or statement?" Ashlyn asked, "Yeah, it basically means what it sounds like. Its almost like truth or dare." Aiden explained to the totally confused girl, "I'll ask you q or s and you choose which one you would like to do." Ashlyn didn't like the idea of playing because she knew about Aiden's sneaky behaviour whenever it comes to these type of games. However, she did like the idea of staying inside for a little longer so she agreed to play.




They played for about 20 minutes. The game was not as bad as Ashlyn thought. She was actually enjoying herself. The questions weren't too serious and the statements were random but funny. Aiden wasn't pulling any trick questions, so that was alone was a bonus. However, aiden had something else in mind other than a basic question or statement.

"Q or S" Ashlyn asked while lying on the floor, swinging one of her braids. "S....you're very pretty." A silence passed over the room. Ashlyn stopped swinging her braid and got up to look at Aiden. Aiden was laying on the floor with his head facing the opposite direction of Ashlyn. It would have seemed that he said it bluntly with no sense of regret or bashfulness. However, when Ashlyn looked closely at the blonde, she saw that his ears had a dark tint of red appearing.

This caused the red head herself to blush. She did expect aiden to pull a stunt like this but not so boldy. Aiden left Ashlyn speechless and dumbfounded. She didn't know what to respond with so she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Thank you....i-i think your p-pretty too." She stated with instant regret. She was never someone to stutter even when she is nervous. But somehow this boy is making words even more difficult than it already is.

Aiden looked over at ashlyn, whose face was completely red at this point. This cute display cause Aiden to blush even more and his smile to deepen. "Um, thanks ash! And no problem." he said with his voice slightly cracking. An awkward silence floated over the nervous teens.

"S-So umm.... q or s?" He queried, trying to play it cool. "Q......Aiden?" Ashlyn called out to the boy. "Yh that's me." Aiden jokingly answered, "What's up?". Ashlyn hesitated, she's been meaning to ask Aiden this for a while. She's thought that it would be the best time to finally ask, instead of randomly bringing it up another time. "I.....how do you feel about me?"

Currently working on part 3 which may be the last part!(not too sure yet tho)
So stay tuned.✨

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