Hearing is caring (AshxAid) [part 3]

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Aiden was shocked by Ashlyn's question. Ashlyn was also shocked at the fact that she even asked that. She felt a little sheepish by the question, but she wanted to hear it from him. She suspected for a while that he might have like her back, but for some reason, she always had a feeling of doubt.

"How do I feel about you?" He repeated Ashlyn's question, "How you mean?" He knew what she meant, but wanted to be sure before answering. "Like....do you... u know?" Ashlyn attempt to signal it out to him. "No, I don't." He mockingly said, "What do you mean?" At this point, Aiden knew exactly what she wanted to say, he just wanted to hear it from her instead of assuming, plus he wanted to tease her a bit.

"AIDEN!" Ashlyn shouted being fully away of his mockery. Aiden brusted into a laugh and had the biggest grin that Ashlyn has seen from him thus far. Seeing him genuinely happy and giggling was so precious to Ashlyn. She couldn't help but blush and smile at how cute Aiden was at the moment.

"Okay okay, I understand." Aiden said as he started to wind-down from laughing, " I... I like you Ashlyn." Aiden's face soon started to glow a heavy shade of red and his smile looked a bit cracked from being so nervous. Ashlyn's heart was now on the run. Her face was as red as Aiden's and her expression was that of shock. Even though she had a feeling that he would say that, her body and mind were not ready for this reality. She couldn't gather any words.

"How do you feel about me?" Aiden bashfully asked ashlyn while looking away. Words couldn't come out of her mouth. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but her words were stuck in her throat. She internally panicked as she didn't want Aiden to think that she didn't like him back [though it's fricking obvious that they like each other but anywho]. Aiden looked over at her and he could see that she was extremely nervous. He felt bad as he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Hey....we can drop it if you want?" He tried to reassure her while consoling his emotions. "I don't want to make you un-" Aiden was hushed by Ashlyn's finger on his lips. Ashlyn took a while to properly gather her words. "I-im bad with words, so i hope this answers your question." Before Aiden could even pick up on what she said, Ashlyn removed her finger from his lips to replace it with hers.

. It was just a peck on the lips, but it was a felt alot more extreme than she thought. After she gave him the little peck she looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Oh so you do like me back?" Aiden said in a provoked manner. Ashlyn looked up and glared at him, "No shit Sherlock." They looked at each other then suddenly they both laughed at Ashlyn's feedback.

"C-can we do that again though?" Aiden asked the girl. "Oh um.. sure." Ashlyn replied. They looked each other in the eyes as they started to leaned closer. They were both very nervous at first, but they got comfortable once their lips joined again. Ashlyn placed a hand on Aiden's face and Aiden placed his hand over hers.

That was both of their first kiss(technically second), and it felt beyond what they expected. It felt like they were on top of the world. Soon the high excitement turned into a calm relaxing moment. Aiden scooted over closer to Ashlyn and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Ashlyn removed her hand from Aiden's face to place both her arms around his neck. At some point, they were so carried away with the kiss that they forget about the party. That didn't really matter to them though, because this was the first time that they could actually express their true feelings to each other.

After a few moments of kissing, they finally came to pause. They both panted for air as they looked at each other with a happy, but relieved expression. They finally told each how felt and they showed it off too. ;>
"So does this mean that your my girlfriend now?" Aiden asked with a whole lot of enthusiasm. "Hold it there Aiden, you owe me a date first." Ashlyn said in almost a sassy tone. "Aww....well that's fair." He said while pouting a bit. Ashlyn giggle at his cuteness before getting up from the floor. When she got up, Ashlyn held out her hand for Aiden, "Let's go back to the party." She said while giving him a soft smile, " We will talk about the date later or tomorrow, okay?"

Aiden looked up at her and gave her a little smirk. "OK fine" he said as he took her hand and get up from the floor. "But I'm choosing the place." Aiden wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder, she looked at him and playfully rolled her eyes, "Alright, whatever you say, luv." They paused for a moment. They blankly looked at each other for moment before Aiden broke the silence. "Did you just call me 'luv'?" He asked the girl. Ashlyn didn't know how to respond so she dashed down the steps. "OK OK, IM SORRY." Aiden shouted while running after her and trying to hold his laugh in at the same time.

Thanks for ur patience my dears. This is part 3 and I would have made this the final part. However, I wanted to at least push and try to do something a little more sweet for the ending instead of ending of with some questions. Not all questions will be answered but that's best I could do for y'all. 💀🌟

Anywho, part 4(final part) will be published later on in the day cuz I have to start preparing for back to school. Luv you all and hope u stay tuned for the next part.❤

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