Gentle (TylerxLogan)

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Logan couldn't sleep. The thought of going back to a hell of a place every single night greatly overwhelmed him.
He always feared that one night, his grandparents will just walk into his room and find him lifeless on his bed. He never liked thinking about that since his grandparents went through so much just to take care of him. All the years of sacrifice and debt, just to look after him instead of his abusive parents, would all go to waste. Logan always wanted to make it up to his grandparents for all of the struggles they went through just for him. But now with his situation, he's not sure if he will even be able to see the next year.

All these thoughts gave him a headache. He felt tears well up in his eyes and fell down to his face as he laid on his pillow. The more he tried to hold back his tears, is the heavier that they fell.

He eventually gave in and let the tears fall down to his pillow as he sobbed. He already had a lot going on in his life. And the shadow dimension didn't make it any better. His goals and dreams are all at risk just because of a silly school trip that they went to.

Logan sobbed and sobbed until he heard a few knocks on the window.

He was a bit shaken as he wondered who could possibly be knocking on his window at 11:30 in the night. He grabbed his glasses and peeped through the blinds. He was shocked to see that it was Tyler. He quickly wiped his eyes and lift the blinds then opened the window so that Tyler could enter.

"Don't you read your massages or what?" Tyler asked in a slightly annoyed tune. Logan was surprised at what Tyler said. "Wait what do you mean by tha-" Logan said, but was cut off by the shock of all the massages that were send by the Tyler and the group.

To be honest, he was acting a bit off today. He didn't talk much if not at all during lunch and he didn't even hang out with Ben like he usually does. He also didn't pay much attention in class, which was very out of his character.

Logan didn't even realize this until he saw the "Logan, u good?" or the"What's up with Logan today?" and the "Where is Logan?" massages.

"What going on?" Tyler asked. "Why were you crying?"

Logan didn't answer. Tyler noticed Logan's red puffy eyes when the light of the phone flashed on his face. Tyler was somewhat frustated, because he hated seeing Logan upset. However, he knew that if he showed how angry he was, Logan would be scared or nervous.

When Tyler noticed that Logan was not going to respond, he wrapped his arms around him and slowly laid him down.

Logan didn't expect Tyler to do this since he knew Tyler for his aggressive behaviour and not his gentle one.

This sense of gentleness overwhelmed Logan so much that his throat started to close up like earlier. He knew that he wanted to sob out, but he didn't want to embrarass himself in front his first crush.

He tried his hardest to keep his shit together, but he couldn't resist the the urge to let himself melt into Tyler's arms. He finally allowed himself to break and let everything out. As he sobbed his heart out, Tyler caressed his head with one hand and held him closer by the waist with the other.

Logan could die for physical affection like this, but he never asked for it since he didn't like coming off as needy or clingy. He always took in the little affection that he got from the group. The little hugs from Taylor, the head pats from Ashlyn, the high fives from Aiden and Ben; he cherished every single moment.

He buried his face into Tyler's chest as he didn't want Tyler to see his miserable face. He clinched onto Tyler shirt like he was holding on for dear life. He couldn't control his cries, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He cried his eyes out as Tyler held him in close. Every given moment that Logan's sobs got louder, Tyler held him in a bit closer and little tighter.

This lasted for roughly 20 minutes. The boys laid there, embracing each other in silence. Logan stopped crying, but his sniffles were still very present. Tyler wanted to say something to Logan to cheer him up, but that wasn't the way that he worked. He wanted to do more than hug Logan, but he was not as good with words as Taylor.

"Thank you." Logan said with a weak voice, snapping Tyler out of his thoughts. "I needed this... So badly. "

Tyler looked down at Logan, whose face was no longer buried in Tyler's chest, but now resting on the side of his face. He looked so exhausted and sad. His downhearted appearance and his dismal voice broke Tyler's heart.

"N- no problem Logan." He said while trying to keep his composure. "If you ever need this again, just call me." He said as he softly patted Logan's head with one hand and rubbed his back with the other once again.

Logan was moved by Tyler's words more than he ever excepted. In response to Tyler's kindness, he got up and gave Tyler a little peck on the cheek before lying back down on his chest.

Logan laid there with his eyes closed for a few seconds....then his eyes opened widely at the sudden realization of what he just did. He jumped up from Tyler's chest then onto his bed. "I- IM SO SORRY" he quietly yelled so that his grandparents would not hear him. "I-i wasn't thinking and I u-understand if I weird y-you out and-" he was cut off by a gentle grabbed to his face which lead to an unexpected kiss from Tyler. The kiss may have been sudden and rushed, but it was soft and soothing.

Logan crawled onto Tyler's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. Tyler held him by the waist and pulled him in a bit closer to get comfortable . They could feel the warmth forming in their cheeks and chest. They could feel their heart pounding out in all corners of their chest. It felt like a rollercoaster of excitment with fear and pleasure at the same time.

They were so deep in their everlasting kiss that they forget about the phantom dimension. They forget the problems that they were facing on a daily bases all together. All that mattered to them was each other's warmth and embrace. The kiss was passionate and felt like it would never end.....but sadly it did.

Logan and Tyler were snapped back into reality when they heard the alarm from Logan's watch, reminding them that there were five minutes till the shift. They release from their kiss and looked at the watch. Tyler sighed as he laid back onto the bed. Logan removed his glasses and placed them on his desk. He grabbed his cover and spread it ontop of him and Tyler.

They laid there, cuddling while waiting for the few minutes to pass. They held hands and stayed in silence for about 2 to 3 minutes. "Did you like the kiss?" Tyler shyly asked as he rubbed the front of Logan's hand with his thumb. Logan looked at him with twinkling eyes and responded " Yes, it was very gentle and sweet." He said with a little blush forming on his cheeks, "And you?"

"How did you find the kiss?" Logan asked with a little worry on his face. Tyler looked at Logan and let out a small sigh following a big smile. "It was perfect."

And with a click of Logan's watch, it was midnight and the boys went to the shadow dimension.

Sorry for taking so long to post, I'm working on multiple oneshots and stories to publish before school opens again. But anywho, thanks for reading this oneshot and hopefully I will post the next one soon. See y'all💖

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