Play me a melody (BenxTaylor)

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Note: This takes place 4 years into the future. No spoilers tho.

      "So, Lily's coming for her birthday this year?" Taylor asked as she placed her book down on her lap and looked up at the boy. Ben nodded his head as he fiddled with the strings of the guitar. It has been years since his family came to Georgia. After the whole Phantom thing the family has been scared to visit and would ask the boys to come home instead when special occasions rolled in. It even got to a point where they almost made the boys move back home or back in with Aiden parents. However, after a while of convincing their parents (and endless arguments between Aiden and his parents) they finally agreed to let the two stay.

      Ben placed his guitar on the bed and grabbed his phone from his pocket to type something. He lifted his hand and showed her a text saying 'She begged mom and dad to visit till they got tired of her asking and eventually gave in.' Taylor chuckled at the note, "That does sound like Lily." she responded as she closed the book and tossed it on the side. "I wonder who she got her stubbornness from." she teased Ben resulting in him puffing his cheeks up like a little kid. Taylor giggled as she came closer to Ben, wrapping her arms around one of his and resting her head on his shoulder.

      A sudden thought came to her mind as she cuddled his arm. His arm is quite buff compared to when they were freshmen. He was lean back then, but now he's way more muscular. That's thanks to boxing training or morning workouts. It's not like she is complaining or anything, she just finds it strange how fast people can change in four years. They were going to college in a few months for crying out loud. Time flew so fast for them.

      She honestly couldn't blame his parents for not wanting to come back after all what happened. If it was for her alone, she would have left too. But, she had to continue to work hard to help Tyler so that he could get into college and for her to get a job to sustain their mom. It was one of the main things that kept her going after all the stuff that they went through. The other things were her best friends and her boyfriend.

        "Ben?" she whispered, she felt a shift from the side meaning that Ben was now facing her way. "Can you play me something?" Ben has been taking classes for almost a year now, but he was still a bit shy to play in front of others, even if it was just for Taylor. He would usually practice in his room and would stop playing if someone came in the room. He was hesitant at first at her request, but then remembered that there was this one song that he was practicing just for her.

       He grabbed the guitar and positioned it in a way that both him and Taylor could sit comfortably. He took a breath and exhaled before he started playing the song. It didn't even take Taylor a second for her to get what song Ben was playing. 'From the start' by Laufey, one of her favorite songs. Laufey was one of Taylor's favorite artists. She is also one of the artists that the two listened to when they hang out or go out on picnic dates. Taylor hummed the song as Ben played. As the song got closer to the end of the chorus, she got up and placed a hand on Ben's cheek as she turned his head to look at her. "Confess I loved you from the start." she sang as she gave him a small peak on the lips.

        Ben flushed at the girl's action, turned away and covered his face out of embarrassment. Taylor giggled once again at the flustered boy and gave him a hug. She laughed not only because of how cute he was, but because of how he still blushes every time that she does something like kiss him or compliment him. Though they did change a bit over the years, they were still the same kids that they used to be, just in older bodies. 

On break so I grace thy with a lil BenxTaylor content. Kinda short but I just got the idea so hope y'all like it.  Happy holidays and hope you guys have a great night or day.🩷

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