6. Afterwards

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Guess what day it was!?!?!?

Well... considering I've only been talking about it for the entirety of this book so far, I'm sure you wouldn't know what I'm talking about.



After last night's events, it was safe to say that Momo was not in a good place mentally speaking. Would it be wise for her to go out and speak in front of all those people after suffering such a breakdown?

Her mind was in constant thought as she slowly but surely stirred up. She couldn't really remember much after running out of the student council room, but she did feel a tad bit better. She felt unusually comfortable too. This warmth hugged her tightly– it was so calming. Perhaps letting it all out yesterday was the perfect escape for the negative emotions, and now all the remained were the positive ones in her soul's vessel.

Anyway, fully registering the dimly lit room around her, she realized that she must've moved some things around in her sleep, because this did not look like her room. I mean... she did have a habit of sleep walking, so maybe she turned into a zombified maid or something during the night and rearranged the place.

Regardless, it was very odd. No bookcases, no comically large furniture, not even a full closet– what was...

And since when did she have such a fascination with All Might? I mean he was cool and all, but why were there so many posters of him in her room?

Deciding that maybe she was still a little out of it, she sat up, wrapped the blanked around her snugly, and smiled to herself. She felt so at peace in this bed of hers... and these green sheets smelled so, so good...

Wait... green? WHEN DID SHE CHANGE HER BED SHEETS TO GREEN?! Okay, this was too weird to overlook now. Not to mention the size of the actual bed itself! This was a twin bed, compared to her double king-sized bed!"

Feeling her anxiety begin to crank up, she blinked a couple of times, surveying the room as best as she could. All Might... All Might... All Might. ALL MIGHT EVERYWHERE!!!

This could only mean one thing...

'Oh no...'

She peered down over the bed, staring at someone sprawled on the ground, fast asleep.

It practically took her whole being to prevent her from screaming. About a million questions forced their way into her mind in a nanosecond as her heart was nearly forcing its way out of her chest. She stumbled back onto the bed, firmly wrapping the green blanket over her body and desperately attempting to calm herself, to no avail of course.

What was he doing here? What was she doing here?! What had happened yesterday and why couldn't she remember any of it?!

He was snoring softly, a detail she couldn't deny was the cutest thing she had ever seen amidst her panicked state. Did she accidentally enter the wrong room on her quest to her own room? Did he leave the door open during her supposed sleepwalking and unwelcomingly barged in? Did he... DID HE KIDNAP HER?!

Okay, that last one was beyond stupid, but she just couldn't figure out a plausible reason as to how she ended up here. At least she knew nothing inappropriate went down, because 1. She was untouched clothing wise since yesterday and didn't feel out of the ordinary, 2. He was sleeping soundly on the floor, allowing her to have the whole bed to herself, and 3. It's literally Izuku Midoriya. I mean, the day he even muttered a word that was not innocent would be the day the world ended; or the day he finally found a girlfriend– not that he had trouble doing so or anything.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now