25. Issues

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She stood in front of him with her arms crossed, an ulterior motive in her mind.

"So you decided to finally talk to me."

"More like I'm forced to talk to you."


The day was nice... well nice enough Izuku supposed. The narcissistic bully that stood in front of him was really starting to gloom this beautiful day up however.

"So? Will you help us?"

"No. Well, unless I get something in return."

Midoriya sighed, knowing that there was no way around it.

If you don't know what's going on, the picture looked like this:

Today was the fourth day of the World Culture Festival and the second years were tasked with the country of Sweden. None of them have any clue about what Swedish culture was, nor bothered to do any research on it. The only thing they knew came from Sweden was that one popular content creator they used to watch when they were younger.

However, there was one (possible) saving grace in the form of the news club director. The beautiful Swedish girl named Maki Hayashi is the epitome of don't judge a book by its cover... for the wrong reasons. She was an absolute narcissist and had a superiority complex worse than even Bakugou's. She bossed and bullied everyone around her to the point where it was practically on the verge of abuse.

"What. What could you possibly want?"

There was that one person that she was never herself around however...

"You. I want you back."

"No Hayashi. You never had me to begin with regardless." Izuku sighed, sitting across from the girl at his desk.

So you might be wondering... what the hell are they talking about? Who is this mysterious girl that only showed up for the beginning of a single chapter and was never heard from again? Well... that's a tale that Midoriya sure doesn't want to remember...

Actually, it wasn't that bad. It started pretty pleasant but ended kind of weirdly.




The end of last school year...

"We did it guys! We're finally going to graduate our first year after absolute hell!" Kaminari danced around the locker room, several others joining in on his antics. Aizawa was fast asleep over at their homeroom classroom, even though it was about an hour until the graduation ceremony would start. Class 1A were all trying on their gowns in their respective locker rooms... and boy were they excited.

"I think we should all take a moment to thank Midoriya for us even being here." Iida stated formally, patting the greenette on the back as the rest of the guys crowded around him. Tenya took his glasses off, grasping them in one hand while the other hand rested on a flustered Izuku's shoulder. "I owe you my life. MY SAVIOR MIDORIYA!"

"Me too!"

"Me also!"

"I fourth that!"

Although it was insanely embarrassing, the inheritor couldn't help but beam in pride. His own classmates looked up to him now. Hell, if that wasn't an accomplishment, since even Bakugou was caught in the act, he didn't know what was.

"Thanks. But I couldn't have done it without all of your help. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys." Midoriya smiled, a sniffle being heard from one lone Kirishima who was crying manly tears.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now