14. Fun

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"Are we serious about this? I mean... none of us hold a candle to Bakugou. Not even Sato."

"As much as I hate to agree... I gotta agree." Sato shook his head at the red head, who shrugged with a disheartened gaze.

"The money is literally all his, so it's not fair."

Grumbling to himself, Aizawa leaned back on his chair. "Fine. You get to create a group of four people. Four. No more than that. It'll be you guys against Bakugou. Seem fair now?"

"No, not really." Kirishima muttered, recieving a red eyed death look from their homeroom teacher. "I mean... YES SIR, THAT IS THE MOST MANLY DECISION YOU HAVE EVER MADE!"

"That's more like it. Now you have until the end of the day to choose. So choose wisely."

Kirishima turned to Sato for a moment, before turning back to the scruffy erasure hero. "Do I have to be included?"


"Alright, deal. And you'll be paying us each the same amount of money right?"

"HELL NO, YOU THINK I'M A BANK OR SOMETHING?!" Shota banged the desk and shot upward, the word money seeming to hit a nerve. "I don't get paid enough as it is, so split it amongst yourselves!"

"This is all for some cheap gourmet dinner for the teachers I'm assuming." Sato scratched his cheek, Aizawa demonically turning his head towards the baker.

"Is there a problem?"

"U-Uh, not at all sir!" Rikido saluted, running out of the classroom.

"Well, I'll get back to you. Bye!" Kirishima waved, following Sato out of the room. Aizawa shook his head, patting himself on the back for a job well done. Only ten thousand yen for four three course meals? Sign him up. The other judges will be All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight, although the former symbol is barely going to be able to take a bite out of each dish.

"Well, at least I have something to look forward to now."

Aizawa, why do you have to be so grumpy all the time? If you want, I can introduce Ms. Joke into this story so you have a love interest!


Awwww you like her, don't you. It's okay Aizawa. Sometimes, we as humans, especially the grumpy ones, tend to hide our true feelings. However, I can see all! So there's no point in–


Mean and uncalled for.

And so, Aizawa ran out of the room, thinking he was going insane.


"A cook-off? That sounds interesting. Sign me up!"

"Well Midoriya... it's against Bakugou."

"A cook-off against Kacchan? That sounds like hell. Do not sign me up!"

Kirishima had infiltrated the student council office after-hours, and was trying to convince the two guys to join his team to defeat Bakugou. His persuasive maneuvers were not working though...

"Yeah, I don't think I could handle the pressure."

"WHAT?! Todoroki can't handle the pressure?! That's a new one." Kirishima exclaimed, falling onto one of the couches.

"Well if it's against Bakugou, that's guaranteed defeat. Besides, we don't know how to cook that well. Tell him about last time Midoriya." Todoroki shuddered, a not so pleasant memory about the common room nearly burning down flashing through his mind.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now