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                   "You believed him  because your a dick! I fucking loved you!"


"Get up now!" Rue yells as she drags the blanket off of me. She was dragging me to a party. "No ruby!" I yell at her. "Amari Cameron Jordan get the fuck up, put on one of those dresses you have and make ashtray regret his fucking life choices." Rue says finally dragging me off the bed.

I dragged my feet all the way to the bathroom and took a quick shower before putting on my light makeup which consisted of highlight, concealer, lip liner and lipgloss. I wore lilac skin tight dress with some random zip up. Of course it was ashtrays..

"Ready." I mumble as I walk over to rue. She definitely had gotten back into drugs but I decided not to question because every time she just says it's weed. "Rue I know how to fucking drive!" I yell as rue tries to tell me which foot is the gas and brake like I'm a three year old.

"Oh yea? Well who taught you cause your driving like a maniac!" Rue exclaims. "Ashtray." I mumble and she rolls her eyes. "Of course that bitch did." She mumbles. As me and rue were down the street from the party we could hear 'starboy' by the weekend   Blaring loudly.

Soon we made our way inside and rue pulled me straight to the drinks table. As I looked around ashtray caught my eye. Standing in the corner talking to Kayla. Called it, the fucking blonde girl. Without thinking I grabbed a shot out of both Elliot and rues hands and downed them one after the other.

They both stared at me like I was insane and I just rolled my eyes before grabbing a solo cup, filling it with sprite and vodka. I sipped my drink as I watched ash talk with her. She'd lean in and laugh when he said something supposedly funny and he lean in as well. He'd bend down to whisper something over the music and she'd blush.

I felt like I was to hot and crammed so I threw my cup into a near sink and rushed upstairs. I stood for a while hyperventilating. This had happened only once before. It was when I found out my mom was coming and right after she hung up it began.

Ash grabbed my hand and rubbed my thigh up and down until I stopped. But he wasn't here this time. It felt like my airways were closing and I finally took a gasp of breath when someone opened the door to the bedroom I was in. I stood up quickly, my hands shaking before the person came into view.

'Ashtrays pov'

As Kayla talked to me I didn't listen to shit she was saying. When she'd laugh I would and Lean it to make it more believable. I scanned the party for a bit before finding Amari grabbing two shots out of rue and Elliot's hand, downing them both. She looked hot.

I brushed off all of my feelings as I remembered her cheating. How could she. I turned back to Kayla and after a bit I became bored once again so I glanced over at Mari. She looked distressed. I then saw her throw her drink in a near by sink and rush upstairs.

I quickly made an excuse to Kayla, something about using the bathroom and rushed upstairs in the direction Amari went in. I found a room that was secluded from all the others and walked in to find Amari standing, with shaking hands.

'End of ash's pov'

Ashtray. "You good?" He asks awkwardly staring at my shaking hand. "Why did you do it?" I ask ignoring my hand still shaking. "Amari cmon man, don't play dumb. I saw the texts with you and that dude." Ash says. "What dude!?" I exclaim. "The one from the party showed me screen shots of y'all messing around even after you told me you didn't wanna do those types of things with me! And I'm not saying you should but that hurt Amari." Ash says.

"Your fucking kidding right? Do you want my phone cause that bitches number is nowhere in here." I say and ash looks taken back. "There's something called editing ashtray." I mumble. "Amari, I don't- I don't know why I believed him." Ash says lowly.

"You believed him because your a dick! I fucking loved you!" I exclaim. "You "loved" me?" Ash asks. "No ash, I love you, but you don't trust me." I say and he runs his hands up and down his buzz, it looked fresh.

Not on topic but ash had braces for anyone wondering. I thought it made him a little kid at heart but he still made em look hot. "Amari I love you. And I'm an idiot." He says mumbling the last part. "Glad you realized I for yourself," I say walking past him.

"Amari, come back please." Ash says giving me a look. "Goodnight ash." I say before walking away.

'Ash's pov'

She walked away. Should I have chased after her.. yea. But did she look super hot while walking away.. yea. I was a fucking dumb ass who fell for that shit.


"Cmon rue let's go I'm ready to go home." I tell rue. "Already Mari!?" Rue complains. "You can stay but I'm not." I tell her and she tells me she'll catch a ride from someone else.

I drove home with novacane blasting. "Pretty girls involved with me, making pretty love to me pretty, pity, pity." I sing lowly. I pulled into the drive way before making my way to my room going to close my blinds. Just as I pulled them close I caught a glimpse of ashtray.

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