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                                                          "Suck my dick, bitch."


I quickly threw random pieces of clothing in my small backpack before rushing to ashtrays house. Me, him and fez all watched as Faye dialed Custer's number. "Hey babe. Do you maybe wanna go on a one night vacation?" Faye asks and I roll my eyes as Custer answers excitedly.

"Ok I'll see you in a bit. Bring my Xan's and stuff ok?" She says then hangs up. Soon Custer arrived and it was pretty awkward to say the least. "Well me and Faye are gonna get going." He says before walking out of the door. As soon as he does I roll my eyes, walking into the kitchen grabbing a small thing if cookies and cream ice cream.

"Hey that's mine! Amari I'm fucking for real don't eat it." Ash says. I dig the spoon right in the middle and eat the ice cream before smiling. "Suck my dick, bitch." I tell ash before I prop myself onto the counter.

"Didn't know you had one." Ash mumbles, thinking I can't hear. "Come and find out." I say loudly and he turns my way rolling his eyes. Soon we had to go take over the shop for fez in order for him to go pick up Faye so I slid on a pair of sweats and stole one of ashtrays hoodies that were two sizes to big and smelt like weed and cologne.

"Don't you have your own clothes?" Ash asks trying to his his forming grin as he stares at me in his sweater. "Fine I guess I'll just walk around naked dude." I say rolling my eyes. "That's fine with me." Ash says and I roll my eyes once again before buckling my belt.

"Besides it's comfy." I tell him and he begins driving. "You hungry?" He asks. "Not really, mom made me food before therapy." I tell him and he shakes his head, pulling into some drive way.

"Get something quick." He tells me. "I didn't even want shi- fine. Um a hash brown and a mango pineapple smoothie." I tell him after he gives me a look. "Be safe fez." I say as he walks to his car once we arrive at the store.

We may have sat for an hour before I saw Cassie standing at the register looking around, I groaned before getting up and walking out. "Hi Mari." She says awkwardly. "Mhm, is this all?" I ask and she nods. "3.67" I tell her and she hands me the money.

"Please don't tell me your mad too!?" Cassie asks and I laugh. "Obviously. Dude Nate? You could've had anyone. Your a pretty girl Cassie, just not a really smart one." I tell her and she nods before making her way out of the shop, me walking into the back room after.

"You looked hot telling her off." Ash says, pulling me into his lap. "You think everything is hot." I say going on my phone. "No, just you." He says placing light kisses on my neck. "Alright, whatever you say." I mumble scrolling through my phone.

Soon some random comes in. They stand in their spot for a while for I speak up annoyed. "You want drugs or what?" I ask the confused girl. "Oh um yea." She says and I stare at her expectantly. "Oh, weed. An eighth." She finally says.

As I'm grabbing it she taps me on the shoulder. "Who's he?" She asks. "Ashtray." I as I hand her the small bag, waiting for my money. "He single?" She asks as if he's not right there. "No." I tell her and she sighs disappointed and I laugh a bit on accident.

She then hands me 70 and walks out, giving ash a small wave. "I'm tired. I think We can close." Ash says. Soon we make it home to find an upset Faye and a happy fez on the couch. "Broken nose bitch got taken down?"I ask as I walk in and fez nods.

"We'll be in my room." Ash says before me and him race upstairs, me obviously winning. "Fucking cheater." Ash says. "Your just mad that your big ass feet don't get you anywhere." I say accidentally letting out a laugh which makes ash pin me down playfully.

"I was joking!" I exclaim. He then leans in and I lean in as well, out lips connecting. After a while ash breaks the kiss and speaks up. "You wanna stop? We can stop?" He says. "We don't have to." I tell him. "You sure?" He asks.

"I'm sure." I tell him, leaning back in.

(I legit cringed while writing that cause writing these scenes are icky to me😭😭)


"I just feel like it's a stupid concept." I tell ash, my legs tangled with his under the blanket as we talk about surprise parties. Don't even ask cause I don't know. "I mean the fuck you need to surprise them for. Ain't nobody gonna believe every single one of their family members forgot their birthday." Ash says and I nod my head on his chest in response.

"I'm hungry." I mumble and ash nods. "Same. Waffle House?" He asks. "Obviously...?" I say getting up, sliding on on of ashtrays shirts and another pair of sweats. Soon we get there and it's not as busy so we choose a booth in the back-ish.

"Where are you in ten years?" Ash asks invested. "Here. Or some big lawyer with an even bigger law firm. Now that I think about it that's gonna be funny. A former drug dealer to a lawyer." I say laughing.

"It's not funny, you could make it happen. I mean, your smart as hell." Ash says. "Aww that's the first compliment I've gotten from you that was genuine." I say sarcastically kissing ash on the cheek.

"Well I guess it's the last now." He mumbles lowly. "Your always such a big baby." I tell him. "No the fuck I'm not." He argues back. "Whatever you say ashy poo." I say mocking him.

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