The Cafe

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• Hello!~ Welcome to the Fluffy Cafe! I will be your server on the warm and sweet evening, and you can call me Felix. Please make sure to feel at home and if there is any issues with your seats, don't be afraid to tell me! •°*"˜.•°*"˜



"Hyung! I'm hungry, and you promised to pay this time." My blueberry haired boyfriend, Jeongin whined, shaking my arm.

"I know, I know Innie, but I have to bring the others too." I said, pulling him in by the waist, and pecking his nose.

"Fine! I told Seungminnie we would go on a date soon, so go call them! I'm hungry~"

"Okay Innie, give me a minute." I responded, reaching for my phone in my pocket. I pressed the contact for Changbin, and pressed call, letting go of Jeongin.

"What Chan? I'm trying to fu- fish. I'm fishing." The man corrected himself through the phone, seeming very busy.

"What the hell Changbin?" I laughed into the phone, "Quit 'fishing' and tell Seungmin to get ready because I'm taking everyone out."

"Oh come on hyung! Can't we go out later?" Changbin whined into his phone. Jeongin's shoulders slumped down and he grabbed my phone from my hands, and put it on speaker.

"Chan Hyung is paying, and we're going somewhere new."

"Oh damn then let me finish Seungmin off then we'll head over."

"Yeah okay. Just hurry up Hyung." He said hanging up. "I know where Lino Hyung and Sungie Hyung are. So let's go!"

"What about Hyunjin?"

"Texted him already, he's picking up Changbin Hyung and Seungminnie."

I laughed, snaking an arm around Jeongin's waist, "You sure are prepared when it comes to dates."

"Nope." He responded, dragging me to the car, "Only when you pay."


When we pulled up to the place where Innie said Hyunjin was waiting, I saw the large amount of cars, and started to get uneasy. Glancing over at the very excited Jeongin, I placed my hand on his thigh, he responding by putting his on top of mine.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, looking slightly worried, "You only get really touchy in the car when you're nervous, so what's wrong?"

"Innie, what restaurant are we going to exactly?" I replied with a question, looking at him before glancing back at the road.

"The Fluffy Cafe! It's really popular!"

"Are you sure we, a gay polyamory relationship with seven people, will be okay there?" He giggled, and squeezed my hand before unbuckling since I had parked.

"Baby~ Have you not heard about this place? There are the nicest people in the world there!" He exaggerated.

I hummed, narrowing my eyes but removing my hand and unbuckling to join my other five boyfriends. Locking my car, I stuffed the keys in my pocket before Seungmin begged me to carry him inside due to the 'fishing' Changbin and him did earlier.

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now