Stress and Shopping

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˜"*°•.˜"*°•Its Felix bimbo•°*"˜.•°*"˜



Felix was exhausted. He had worked four different shifts with thirteen hours of unpaid overtime. He still had two more before his day off. Surely it must be illegal to work so much. His boss didn't care. Honestly, he usually throws away any numbers he gets from people who hit on him at work. Though his boss saw the customers as they left and recognized a few of them.

  "What did that redhead say to you?" He asked the blonde sharply once he returned to the kitchen.

  Felix looked at the man before back at the ground, "He gave me his number. That's it really."

  "Text him."

  "What?!" Felix exclaimed, making the kitchen go silent. The blonde stared at his boss and saw the cruel smirk on his face.

  "I've slept with some of them a long time ago. They're rich! We can make bank! If you don't do it, you'll have to switch sections again."

A look of fear showed on Felix face ad he quickly shook hsi head and bowed, "I'll do it right away. I'll let you know once I get a response."

  "Good." Said the man, "now get back to work."

  Clearly, his boss wasn't the best from right off the bat. He felt so sick of this job. He wanted to quit. He really did. But he signed away his dignity and rights to wait on a contract. If he quit, then the boss had a right to take away a deposit as big as he wanted from Felix's bank account directly. He couldn't afford that at the moment. Medical bills were too high and his mental health was unpredictable.

  At the end of his shift, he left the building quickly, throwing his bag into the passenger seat before getting into the drivers. He felt his eyes begin to water as he pulled own of the parking lot. The stress of this job was too much.

  He felt tears stream down his face as he stopped at the red light, pulling own his phone and texting a number. Taking a screenshot, he sent it to his boss before hearing the angry beep from drivers behind. He quickly stomped on to gas and headed to his house where he was safe from the worries of work.

  His heart was pounding in his chest, but not in a good way. Anxiety spiked, breath hitching, eyes watering... he had to pull over now.


  "Do you guys want anything from the store?" Changbin asked as he twirled the keys in his hands around his finger. Seungmin perked up from the TV and glanced over at Changbin.

   "Can you get more strawberries? We ran out." He answered with a cheeky smile.

  "Sure thing. Anything else? Hyunjin? Chan? Jisung?"

  The second older ran into the room and pointed to Changbin, "ADD SOJU, WINE, FISH SAUCE, AND RICE CAKES TO THE LIST!!!"

  "Got it." Changbin put the paper against the wall that had the list and wrote the things nessicary.

  "You want me to come with?" Jisung inquired as he grabbed his hoodie that he stole from Minho off the couch.

  "If you want to, Ji'." He said as he continued writing.

  "Also get some more condom-" As Chan was saying this, Jeongin walked into the room with a phone to his ear as they all heard an audible gasp from the phone.

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