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˜"*°•.˜"*°•All I knew was that I blacked out, hearing voices around me swarm in fear •°*"˜.•°*"˜



  I whipped around, seeming Minho dart towards a car. I was confused, watching him run to the car that stopped. The door swung open revealing the redhead from earlier in Jisungie's party who looked panicked. The two embraced, looking at each other and talking to each other for a brief moment before heading towards me.

  "What's happening?" I asked, interested yet slightly nervous. They didn't seem happy, "I'm so confused."

  "Your boss..." Minho began, but stopped himself as Hyunjin sighed.

  "To save time, we can help you out of this shit hole." Hyunjin said quickly, looking at the window, where Baejin was 'cleaning' the front counter.

  I gasped, looking at them in confusion and shock, "what?"

  "Of course, we'd need to talk to Chan Hyung, but right now, all of us don't want you to go through what Minho Hyungie did." The mention of that made the purple haired man look away and whispered something under his breath and walk off to the car. I felt pity, not knowing what he went through but knowing it was surely hell of a lot worse than what I was going through.

  In replacement of him, Jisung hopped out of the car and ran towards them, his face looked upset as we continued the conversation.

  "How? He has access to all of bank accounts. I signed a contract when I went to work here. He can take all he wants from me once I'm fired or I quit." I explained in a quiet voice.

  "We'll pay for everything for you,a hotel room, give you a job, help you pay debt, anything. I'd hate to see you in a bad position like that..." Hyunjin reassured.

  "And we get it if you don't trust us. We just want you to be safe. That contract has limits,  and he could've easily broken it. I'm assuming you read it right?" Jisung inquired, his eyes filled with hope and pleading.

  I nodded, biting him lip and crossing my arms.

  "So then if he had crossed the boundaries then you have full right to terminate the contract, quit, and take him to court."

  I gazed behind me to the window, were Baejin was staring me dead in eye. I wiped back around to face the two and shake my head, "No. No. I can't do it. I can't. He paid for my apartment. I-i can't quit."

  The kind man placed a hand on my shoulder, seeing how my breath suddenly started to spike with tears forming in my eyes, "Felix. Please, you need to trust us."

  "I can't Jisungie..." I replied in sharp breaths. I didn't notice how hard I was breathing. I didn't notice the tears that feel down my face. I didn't even notice I was losing balance. All I knew was that I blacked out hearing voices around me swarm in fear..

  "Shit... Hyunjin! Call 911, he's passing out!"


  Get me out of here...

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