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(mentions of rape therefore a dark end to the chapter)

˜"*°•.˜"*°•I don't really know why I'm here now...•°*"˜.•°*"˜



  I don't even know where I was going but my feet were talking me to some place I could even register. Before I knew it, I was in front of the Fluffy Cafe as 6pm, anger and sadness built up inside me. I was about to walk inside when the front door opened, revealing a welcoming host.

  I nodded my thanks, still not able to form real sentences. As I approached the podium where a hostess stood, grinning and taking a deep bow.

  "Hello, welcome to Fluffy Cafe! I hope you've been doing well. What is the name, handsome sir?" Asked the lady, her voice radiating a sweet and genuine tone, but hidden in it was a fake and mocking tone. It made my fists curl up.

  "Lee Know." I said tensely, not daring to tell someone that worked for that psychopath to know my real name. The lady nodded.

  "Have you been here before sir?"

  "Mhm." I hummed back, not wanting to speak to her for long. As I passed the kitchen, I saw a glimpse of a happy Baejin, smiling and hugging a waiter.

  "Felix, am I right?"

  I only responded with a simple noise as I sat down, sighing.

  She looked a bit disappointed, glancing up at the camera in the corner of the room, just like Hyunjin described. I bit the inside of my cheek, crossing my arms.

  "Well, you know the drill, sir! Have a wonderful time and if you need Feli-"

  "I know."

  The lady laughed before bowing and exiting the room.

  "Fuck. Why did I even come here?" I grumbled to myself, running a hand through my hair. My leg was bouncing up and down as I leaned back into the booth. I must've looked like a hot mess.

  Now much after, a small knock was heard and Lee Felix emerged from the door. His face was a bit surprised seeing me there. His cheeks tinted a slight pink as he looked down then back at me.

  "Welcome back. I see your alone this time?"

  "Mhm. I was just wondering if we could talk about something." My eyes flew to the tiny camera before back at Felix.

  "Oh... Well, my shift should be ending soon so if you could wait like 20 minutes I'll be able to chat." He smiled. I nodded.

  "Then I'll just get a soju." He nodded, bowing and then leaving.

  Hyunjin was right. There's definitely something up.


  I eventually ordered some food to go along with my meal and ate in silence. My head was spinning to say the least, mostly from the mess of emotions I felt. Really, I wasn't very emotional at all, usually hiding behind a playful and flirty outer shell. I think Chan's only seen me cry once.

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now