Honest News

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˜"*°•.˜"*°•How does a month long vacation sound?•°*"˜.•°*"˜




  The clinks of the glass cups made my heart flutter as everyone was happy. I felt welcomed and finally at peace. Chan sat right across from me, talking to Hyunjin and Jeongin. I sat in silence, sipping on my wine, listening to the conversations around me.

  Minho was rambling about how glad he was that the old bastard finally was locked up. Hyunjin was talking about some bitch at the bar he worked at. Jisung was humming to some music as he had a notepad, writing down lyrics in my mind as he listened to music through his air pods. I couldn't help but peak at the lyrics as he skillfully write with ease. I admired him silently, appreciating his talents.

  After a while, Seungmin spoke up, "Guys, does this mean Felix won't be staying with us anymore..?" Everyone froze. I stared at him, realizing that Seungmin had a good point. I was invading their relationship space.

  "Oh Uhm..." Everyone's eyes were on me, "I... Uh... I guess it depends..." I said. I could tell the mood was cut in half now.

  "On what..?" Jeongin asked bitterly.

  I didn't know, I just came up with a response on the spot, "Uhm, how you guys feel. I don't want to invade in on your personal stuff," I got out, my heart aching slightly. I didn't want to leave. I've grow to love these guys. And I still wasn't sure if I loved them just platonically.

  "You definitely aren't invading, that I can tell you," Changbin eased, giving me a reassuring look.

  "Yeah, plus, Channie Hyung just invited you to a vacation with us. You can't invade our privacy now," joked Minho as he gave a smile.

  The others nodded. It was silent for a while. I hated the silence. I slowly excused myself from the table, feeling uncomfortable with the me-centered silence.

  Why did these things have to happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now