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˜”*°•.˜”*°What's on your neck? •°*”˜.•°*”˜



  I headed back into the room of the eight men, a tray in my hands full of their food. I gently set the dishes down before asking if anything else was needed. I felt the stinging eyes of the two known as Hyunjin and Minho (yes I memorized their names. It's apart of my job too and my memorization skills are surprisingly good) on me at all times. I purposefully tried to avoid making eye contact with them unless I was directly speaking to them, soul because I am embarrassed from before and my boss handed my ass to me once I got back for assuming things about customers.

  "Anything else I could help you all with?"

  "Could I get a refill?" Asked Seungmin.

  "Of course. That'll cost a bit extra if that's okay."

  "Fine with me. I'm not the one paying~" He looked over to the ravenette who bit his cheek. I laughed sweetly before grabbing his cup and heading out of the room.

  What a lovely group. Honestly.

  I went to the back of the restaurant and saw that my boss was back there. My composer straightened as my smile dropped, looking forward as I walked past him. He glared over at me, stopping me.

  "There's three tables waiting for you." My eyes widened as I nodded an ran off. He groaned before calling out a mean name behind me. As I left the back, I relaxed and gave a sweet smile before walking into the next room.


  Felix entered the group of men's room again, a small dark spot on his open collarbone. "Is there any desserts you all want or anything else?" He bit his lip, his body showing an uncomfortable composure.

  "Oh no, I think th-" The one known as Chan was cut off by the two people he tried to avoid.

  "What's on you're neck?" Minho suddenly interrogated. Felix's looked down before covering his mark with a shy grin.

  "I- uhm... I- birthmark." He explained nervously. "Anyways, you said that's all right?"

  The two brightly colored boys narrowed their eyes at Felix. "Yeah." Hyunjin said.

  "Great, I'll... uh go get the bill." He gave a bow before leaving.

  "Minho what the hell? Don't ask people personal questions. It looks like a hickey." Changbin told the older with a slight amount of venom.

  "That's not a hickey. I've given enough to know the difference between a hickey and a bruise. Hickeys have a more red outline and a darker center. Bruises are more purple or blueish. That was most definitely a bruise."

  "Who the hell do you give bruises to?" Chan asked in concern.

  "You're worried about who I give bruises to rather than how the hell our hot waiter got a fucking bruise on his neck in else than 5 minutes?" He deadpanned.

  The others silenced.

  He seemed really nervous about it. If it was just a 'birth mark' why did he seem so nervous about it?

  Something strange was going on in this Cafe, and they needed to know what it was. If someone hurt him, that's assault. If his boss hurt him, that is worse.

So what exactly caused that bruise?

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now